I networked three computers in my house, one of them(the old one) had a perfect running pindlebot. Log is over 6000+ runs with some decent finds..anyway problem is this:
I need to do my botting on one of the new computers, so I copied ALL the jsp stuff from a folder onto a cd, and put it onto the computer ill be doing my botting on. I was sure to redo the path's so they are correct. The problem is, when I activate the bot on my new computer, it loads d2(up to the screen where it types in a username/password, then gives an error like "Cannot find js32.dll", if I let it sit there, it'll log into my account, make a game, everything works, then when it gets in the game, nothing happens. Any replys from those who have experience with jsp?
I need to do my botting on one of the new computers, so I copied ALL the jsp stuff from a folder onto a cd, and put it onto the computer ill be doing my botting on. I was sure to redo the path's so they are correct. The problem is, when I activate the bot on my new computer, it loads d2(up to the screen where it types in a username/password, then gives an error like "Cannot find js32.dll", if I let it sit there, it'll log into my account, make a game, everything works, then when it gets in the game, nothing happens. Any replys from those who have experience with jsp?