Right, but you don't get to choose your uprgrade form with a protector. With humans you get to choose wether you want your towers to shoot arrows or cannon balls.
I probably won't use the protectors anyways, but I think it's a good upgrade for those who do. I Don't like that the huntress' got slammed. Huntress Moon Glaive doesn't effect wards? Why the hell not? You just decreased their power, at least let them keep something. We're getting to the point that their Moon glave is no longer an advantage, you might as well have them hold an Axe like an Orc, which by the way have been upgraded.
Overall I don't really see how changes effect game play. Even if the characters where even across the board, the game isn't just about what characters are more powerfull than others. I think it's more about how you manage them, obviously if you have 20 ghouls fighting 20 Abominations, the ghouls are going to lose out. But generally it doesn't work out that way. Usually you have a front line of melee units then your hero and then ranged units, at least that's how I try to play. But I think it depends on what you attack first, if you take out their hero, your chances of winning a battle drastically increase.
Just my $.02