New map! need help with ideas!


Jan 23, 2003
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well im in the process of a big map, but as a side project i want to make a map that works like this...

there are several towns(like 12 or so i guess)

-you control a town and it produces people for you
-each town has main elements that stay the same the whole game. such as town center, peasants, and certain main buildings. you can expand on the town but those buildings are destroyable(you expand with barracks, more housing, etc.)
-houses produce x ammount of peasants. they have no attack properties but are valuable in collecting resources
-you dont just get gold. you must tax for it
-there is town moral. controled by a few things like taxes. the more taxes the lower moral. ill add other factors in like churches, etc.
-if you moral is low enough, peasants revolt and turn into units that attack.
-if moral gets too low, city guards will attack you
-about city dont control them, but they do defend the city from enemies and random monsters as well as low level revolts
-armies are built by you and controlled by you because you have to build the barrackes
-back to peasants, you dont just randomly have them, if you build something like a lumber camp, you train them to become lumberjacks and they mine wood for you
-when you conquer a town, if their moral was high enough, the peasants will attack untill you gain public opinion(most peasants will revolt, its just like a low moral)

obtaining new towns

-send an invasion army to attack another town and defeate the magistrator.
-magistrators are in ALL towns and can be killed and replaced on new ownership. if a city is in low moral and you kill the magistrator they WILL like you more than if you killed a good magistrator
-trade between two towns you control is lower than if you didnt own the two(trade is conducted by peasants that take a caravan job)
-also, you must kill all the magistrates troops before the town can become yours.

war for towns

-you can build armies to declare war with other players
-players can hire mercs, but they dont act like norm mercs. they take money every X ammount of time. and some leave after a certain ammount of time. as long as you have hired a type of mercenaries, other players cant hire them. if all the mercs of 1 type die, then they take time to respawn so you can hire them again
-players start with castles to prevent early rush...castles are like AOE castles, they are an extra building from the town but must be defeated to take over the town(it houses the magistrate instead of him being in the open)


-they have long sight(duh)
-can be upgraded with cannons, arrrows, etc.
-units inside are protected and can man towers providing extra attack(think a goblin zepplin)
-if the castle is under attack and is destroyed before you tell housed units to leave, they will come out with a stunned damage effect
-castles can be built in other towns but are costly
-peasants MUST be sent in to build uprades. once the upgrades are finnished, the peasants become permanent units in the upgrade(man the turrets)
-you can have only so many upgrades

defeating players

-take over all towns and destroy their leader
-destroying their leader gives them a certain ammount of time to obtain a new city. if they already have one then they just get a new one automatically.
-or you can build a nuke before the others. other players are given a certain ammount of time to catch up with you if you do have nukes or kill you. You cant deploy a nuke untill a certain ammount of ingame time passes.

also, alliance can be made ingame.


-they play an important factor
-there are at least 2 town types(human and orc)
-races have harder times with keeping moral up with other race's cities initially
-after you own a city for x ammount of time, they assimilate into your culture and act like a normal town

anyone like my idea? help me with design!

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