Such a big mainbase with 3 ramps on it, 3 entrances, may be hard to defend if he the player is underatack by 3 enemies ground armies (if it is a FFA, for example

). Make it, at most, 2 ramps... And not such an huge space, it's too much.
Those expansions that are on the cliffs, we have to build the CC too near the ramps. It'd be easy for enemys to destroy it, and hard for you to build defense buildings. In the one expansion in the right bottom, you can only build your CC far away from most minerals and from the geyser. Make the geyser always near the minerals. And there's that one expansion, in low ground, inside a cliff, that has 3 minerals, that you can't gather the minerals well, unless you build the CC in high ground...
Oh, and don't build the starting location so near the minerals...