I was online the other night doing a 3v3, and one of my ally is dropped, I thought nothing of this as it is kinda regular, but after she reconnected she mentioned that her screen suddenly "froze" and she lost connection. I still thought nothing of this till before I was about to kill the second last guy, he said, "goodbye white" and boom, I was also suddently frozen and i ended up having to reboot my whole system as he crashed it. To make matters worst, when i entered my channel, Lozt, he somehow ended up following us into the channel. Another note, during the game he was about to, what we conclude, enter a text program and type in that he had "left the game" in perfect lettering as if he really did. his name also left the screen...half way through he came back into the game...not only that but he was able to right, "nuclear launch detected" multriple times with the woman saying it as if it was real. His name is Redrum-13...I have to give him props for what he did that night, that is a super hacker if I've ever seen one.