is sending out a new dll file when you log on. C3PO, d2jsp, and mousepad's maphack all unload when an unknown dll file is being executed. According to njaguar, this new dll file is safe. Keep all discussion of the new dll file on this thread.
Here is a list of ways you can get the hacks to work:
Works for: All hacks
Method: Load the hack after logging in.
Works for: All hacks
Method: See deathronzor2's post. (Post #2)
Saftey issues: Extrawork won't run at all. This may be detectable even for extrawork files that are safe.
Works for: Mousepad's maphack
Method: Change "New Version Dll Action" from 2 to 0 in the config file.
Saftey issues: You will not be protected from new dll files.
Works for: Mousepad's maphack
Method: Click "Auto reinstall after anti-detection unload".
Works for: D2jsp
Method: If you have paid for d2jsp, download the newest one.