Me and my buddies have just finished our new diablo 2 cd key generator now i know what your thinking this is going to give me fake cd keys and non of them work well not any more the one we have just finsished use a decoding software that looks for patterns in the cd key we have put 20 of our own cd key in and what we got was 8 out of 10 were working cd keys now the only down side is that LOD and NOX cd keys are mixxed so its your job to figure them so if your interested you can send me an e mail an ill send it to you asap at
PS.Im sorry our sites down and i know theres going to be people that think theres going to be a key logger or a trojan and i say if you think that then dont send me an email or have some good faith
PS.Im sorry our sites down and i know theres going to be people that think theres going to be a key logger or a trojan and i say if you think that then dont send me an email or have some good faith