New d2loader


Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Newest D2loader (for version 1.11b) is at @
Newest version is September 22, 2005 (Top download)

Note from Dark_Mage-: Use this file at your own risk!

Version History
D2Loader v1.11b (Sep 22 2005)
Patched the D2Lang.dll patches so -locale works again. Since I don't have a
Korean D2 or whatever, I can't test this actually works, but it looks like it
should - my D2 crashes looking for some Korean fonts with -locale Korean.

Added ability to read extra command line options. This allows further features
that would require a command line option. Such as...

-nohide command line option. If set, will subclass the main D2 window handle
and block WM_ACTIVATEAPP/0 from reaching D2, which will prevent the D2 window
from hiding when it loses focus. Diablo II usually gobbles up 100% CPU time
when not hidden (see below for a 'fix' for this), so running multiple windows
with -nohide could cause some significant slowdown. Don't use this in full
screen mode for obvious reasons.

-sleepy command line option. If set, will patch the arguments to sleep() in
D2Client and D2Win so they aren't zero. This results in the Diablo II process
using much less CPU time since it isn't stuck in such a tight loop. Note that
this *might* result in oh-so-barely lower FPS, but I don't think that's a
concern in D2 :). The benefits of this should be apparent to anyone with a
fast system... and why Blizz are calling sleep(0) is beyond me :D. Note that
there are still some areas that use 100% CPU time regardless since they aren't
part of the menu / game loop.

Fixed a small jmp to the wrong place on the rare chance you had any plugins

Fixed VirtualProtect not restoring correct memory access options after
applying patches (yeah I suck at the x86 asm :p).

Fixed BNClient and other future patches being applied more than once when
re-entering the main menu.

Edited the PE header to provide the correct code size. This shuts up OllyDbg's
SFX warning so I don't get quite so frustrated each time I have to restart :).

Also a tip to any people who are making Diablo II hacks that install by
finding the D2 window: EnumWindows / GetClassName / GetWindowThreadProcessId
are your friends. Don't go enumerating the executable names as these aren't
100% reliable due to renaming. The D2 window classname is "Diablo II".

Small note, the last version recommended using '-nocleanup' to do a 'nice'
shutdown of D2 - a word of warning - don't use -nocleanup with -skiptobnet or
every time D2 tries to exit by going back to the menu, it will reconnect to
bnet and you'll be stuck in a rather nasty foreground-hogging infinite loop.

A forewarning, the next release may have another 2KB added on to the file size
as I'm running quite short on space in the current executable to continue
adding more features. It probably doesn't help that my code is so bloated :).


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