I've written a new bot using VB. I wrote my own cos there were things about Rishodi's I didn't like...got stuck on stairs sumtimes, no ability to make public game, etc. I didn't like JHj cos it doesn't use the randomization routines that rishodi's does to avoid detection. My bot is working so well I thought I might get some ideas from other ppl for features they want and then distribute it. It uses random game names of varying length, randomly decides to precast twice every so often - all sorts of human type actions to avoid detection. So whar r ur ideas ppl?
Oh, and one other thing....I c ppl all the time saying why cant Rishodi's bot taslk to mala? Well it cant cos mala's position in the game isn't static, i.e. she moves. That's exactly the reason ur char travels to act4 to resurect ur merc - cos tyrael is static. So dun even ask
Oh, and one other thing....I c ppl all the time saying why cant Rishodi's bot taslk to mala? Well it cant cos mala's position in the game isn't static, i.e. she moves. That's exactly the reason ur char travels to act4 to resurect ur merc - cos tyrael is static. So dun even ask