New 2 hacking help plz



i have been playing d2 and the expantion for a grip but i just wanted to get the map hack i got it and a d2hackit file. it tells me to chang the files but i have no idea how to do. can some one help
1. Your D2Loader executable file MUST be named "Diablo II.exe" or "D2Loader.exe"
2. Start D2Loader with "Diablo II.exe" -title "Diablo II" or
"D2Loader.exe" -title "Diablo II"
3. Once in a game, start D2HackIt as usual. this is what it tells me to do but i can't find were to do it at thats just to use the loader then i need the maphack.
1. Rename d2maphack.dll to d2maphack.d2h
2. Move all maphack files except d2maphack.exe to your D2HackIt directory.
3. Use ".load d2maphack" load maphack and ".unload d2maphack" ro remove it.
all this has me vary lost plz help. thanx


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