In the event that you ever want to remove your computer from your home network, you'll want to uninstall its network adapter, protocols, clients, and services. There is no point to running any of these components if they are not going to be used. Each one requires a small percentage of your computer's resources and will create an unnecessary drain.
To remove all the networking components from one of your computers first remove the hardware component and then perform the following procedure.
1. Click Start and then select My Network Places. The My Network Places dialog box appears.
2. Click View Network Connection in the upper-left pane.
3. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears.
4. Select the desired client, service, or protocol and click Uninstall.
5. Click Yes when prompted to confirm the Uninstall.
6. If prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.