Need Text Color List (sorry about asking again)

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have left, And started a new
Sorry about this fritfrat but I kinda deleted the color list you gave me while I moved sc into a different dir , now I'm asking for the complete text color list again to add some color to my bound...
Off Topic: Also it would be helpful if someone could tell me why GUEdit always crashe's when I try to edit terrain (I don't wanna start another thread)


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
First List
The colors for Guedit:

00 - red
01 - blue
02 - teal
03 - purple
04 - orange
05 - brown
06 - white
07 - yellow
08 - green
09 - pale yellow
10 - tan
11 - aqua(neutral color)
12 - pale green
13 - blueish gray
14 - pale yellow(same as 09)
15 - cyan
16 - neon blue w/ grey areas
17 - black
18 - neon blue
19 - neon blue w/ orange areas
20 - mixture of black,white,blue
21 - lavender
22 - black
23 - mixture of white and blue
24 - neon blue w/ black
25 - blue w/ lavender
26 - mixture of white,blue,lavender
27 - purple w/ blue
28 - black w/ blue
29 - blue w/ violet
30 - skyblue
31 - black w/blue
32 - neon blue w/ skyblue
33 - purple w/ violet
34 - black
35 - blue w/ lavender
36 - yellow orange w/ neon blue
37 - neon blue
38 - black and some other color
39 - neon blue and some other color
40 - neon blue w/ black and something else
41 - black w/ blue spots
42 - green w/ skyblue
43 - blue w/ white
44 - blue and some other color
45 - teal,purple,blue
46 - lavender w/ grey
47 - neon blue w/ black
48 - blue w/ black
49 - blue w/ dark blue
50 - blue and something unknown
51 - blue w/ black
52 - blue w/ white
53 - blue w/ black
54 - blue w/ sky blue
55 - blue w/ black
56 - white w/ black
57 - blue w/ black
58 - flesh w/ yellow orange
59 - flesh w/ lavender
60 - funky colors (trust me on this one)
61 - black
62 - black
63 - black
64 - black
65 - black
66 - black
67 - black
68 - funky colors (again)
69 - blue w/ light shade of brown
70 - blue w/ black
71 - blue,black,red
72 - black
73 - black
74 - neon pink w/ blue
75 - dark blue w/ black
76 - skyblue w/ neon blue
77 - neon blue
78 - blue w/ black
79 - blue w/ tan
80 - weird color (sorry,don't know what this is)
81 - black
82 - pink w/ lavender
83 - black w/ skyblue
84 - black,orange,cyan
85 - blue w/ white
86 - black w/ blue
87 - black w/ blue
88 - pale yellow w/ blue
89 - blue w/ neon green
90 - white w/ blue
91 - black w/ lavender
92 - black w/ blue
93 - blue w/ black
94 - tan w/ green
95 - violet w/ blue
96 - black
97 - blue w/ black
98 - skyblue w/ black
99 - lavender w/ blue
100 - cyan w/ black
101 - pale yellow w/ flesh
102 - black w/ pale yellow
103 - pink w/ black
104 - cyan w/ green
105 - grey w/ red orange
106 - red w/ green
107 - black w/ blue
108 - cyan w/ blue
109 - blue w/ teal
110 - blue w/ tan
111 - cyan w/ green
112 - orange w/ pale yellow
113 - green,red,orange
114 - pale yellow,flesh,gold
115 - tan,maroon,orange
116 - black w/ blue
117 - pale yellow w/ tan
118 - black w/ white
119 - black w/ tan
120 - green w/ orange
121 - black,lavender,blue
122 - black,white,blue
123 - black,white,blue
124 - cyan w/ black
125 - grey w/ flesh
126 - red orange w/ dark red
127 - black,lavender,blue
128 - skyblue,blue,green
129 - green,grey,red,orange
130 - white w/ cyan
131 - gold w/ blue
132 - tan,orange,green
133 - black w/ blue
134 - cyan,black,blue
135 - black,blue,brown
136 - black
137 - blue w/ black
138 - blue,black,orange
139 - black
140 - cyan w/ blue
141 - blue w/ black
142 - blue w/ black
143 - black <<===this one is the best black color ever.
144 - cyan w/ blue
145 - lavender w/ neon blue
146 - skyblue w/ blue
147 - aqua / blue
148 - black,grey,red orange
149 - brown,blue,maroon
150 - black w/ aqua
151 - black,white,blue
152 - blue w/ white
153 - black w/ flesh
154 - red,blue,black
155 - black,pink,white
156 - blue w/ grey
157 - black w/ aqua
158 - black
159 - white,aqua,blue
160 - black w/ blue
161 - blue w/ black
162 - lavender,black,blue
163 - black w/ white
164 - blue w/ black
165 - gold,blue,white
166 - black w/ white
167 - grey w/ blue
168 - black
169 - black
170 - black
171 - black
172 - black
173 - blue w/ black
174 - black
175 - blue w/ brown
176 - black,blue,aqua
177 - brown w/ white
178 - black w/ grey
179 - blue /w white
180 - black
181 - aqua,black,white
182 - flesh w/grey
183 - grey w/ black
184 - black
185 - black
186 - black
187 - black
188 - black
189 - black
190 - black
191 - black
192 - black
193 - black
194 - black
195 - black
196 - black
197 - black
198 - black
199 - black
200 - black
201 - black
202 - black
203 - black
204 - black
205 - black
206 - black
207 - black
208 - black
209 - black
210 - black
211 - black,white,red
212 - teal,pale green,blue
213 - red orange w/ white
214 - pale green w/ blue
215 - brown,grey,lavender
216 - blue w/ black
217 - white,orange,blue
218 - aqua w/ blue
219 - orange,blue,white
220 - pink,brown,gold
221 - army colors
222 - black
223 - black
224 - black
225 - black
226 - black
227 - black
228 - black
229 - black
230 - white w/ blue
231 - brown w/ grey
232 - black w/ white
233 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
234 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
235 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
236 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
237 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
238 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
239 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
240 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
241 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
242 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
243 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
244 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
245 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
246 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
247 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
248 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
249 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
250 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
251 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
252 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
253 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
254 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
255 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)

What program do you open when you click on Edit terrain?


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Another color list
By: DrunkenWrestler <>
Thanks to: `Fire` <> and Kellimus <>
E-mail me or message me on if you discover anything new, or find errors.
The list will display speical effects, then the color number, then the leader board color.
Sorry for not writing unit colors, it is too time consuming and unimportant.
Please view this with Microsoft Notepad.
These colors were tested with Terran Science Facilites.

! means the units flash (type one).
@ means the units flash (type two).
# means there is no leader board color.
$ means the color flashes on the minimap (type one).
% means the unit color is completely black (may include other effects).
^ means the unit color is completely white (may include other effects).
& means the color flashes on the minimap (type two).

0 - Red
1 - Blue
3 - Teal
4 - Orange
5 - Brown
6 - White
7 - Yellow
8 - Green
9 - Yellow
10 - Peach
11 - Aqua
! 12 - Red
13 - Red
! 14 - Red
15 - Red
! 16 - Dark red
% 17 - Dark red
! 18 - Dark red
! 19 - Black
! 20 - Blue
21 - Blue
% 22 - Blue
23 - Blue
24 - Dark blue
! 25 - Dark blue
! 26 - Dark blue
! 27 - Black
! % 28 - Teal
% 29 - Teal
! 30 - Teal
! 31 - Teal
! 32 - Dark teal
33 - Dark teal
34 - Dark teal
! 35 - Very dark teal
! 36 - Purple
! 37 - Purple
! 38 - Purple
! 39 - Purple
@ 40 - Dark purple
! 41 - Dark purple
! 42 - Dark purple
! 43 - Brown
! 44 - Orange
! 45 - Orange
46 - Orange
47 - Dark orange
48 - Darker orange
! 49 - Very Dark orange
50 - Brownish orange
51 - Black
52 - Orange/brown
! 53 - Orange/brown
! 54 - Orange/brown
55 - Tan
56 - Tan
! 57 - Brown
58 - Brown/red
59 - Very dark brown
60 - White
% 61 - White
% 62 - White
63 - Grey/white
@ 64 - Grey/white
! 65 - Grey
66 - Dark grey
! 67 - Very dark grey
% 68 - Yellow
@ 69 - Yellow
! 70 - Yellow
% 71 - Yellow/tan
! 72 - Tan
73 - Tan
74 - Brown
75 - Black
^ 76 - Green
@ 77 - Green
! 78 - Green
@ 79 - Green
^ 80 - Dark green
! 81 - Dark green
82 - Dark green
! 83 - Very dark green
84 - Yellow
^ 85 - Yellow
86 - Yellow
! % 87 - Yellow/tan
! 88 - Tan
! 89 - Tan
! 90 - Brown
91 - Dark tan
! % 92 - Peach
! % 93 - Peach
@ 94 - Yellow/tan
! 95 - Yellow/tan
96 - Light brown
! 97 - Light brown
! 98 - Brown
99 - Dark brown
^ 100 - Cyan
! % 101 - Cyan
102 - Teal/cyan
@ 103 - Teal/cyan
^ 104 - Dark cyan
! 105 - Dark cyan
! 106 - Darker cyan
! % 107 - Very dark blue
108 - Light blue
! 109 - Grey
! 110 - Brown
! # 111 - None
112 - Dark peach
! 113 - Tan
! 114 - Peach
! 115 - Red
116 - Very dark blue
! 117 - Dark blue
! 118 - Dark blue
119 - Blue
120 - Black
121 - Black
122 - Grey
! 123 - None
@ 124 - Very dark green
$ 125 - Dependant on tileset
126 - Green
! $ 127 - Dependant on tileset
! $ 128 - Dependant on tileset
# 129 - None
# 130 - None
! # 131 - None
# 132 - None
! # 133 - None
# ^ 134 - None
! # 135 - None
! 136 - White
# 137 - None
# 138 - None
@# 139 - None
140 - Very Dark Brown
! # 141 - None
! 142 - Tan
$ 143 - Dependant on tileset
! # 144 - None
! % 145 - None
# % 146 - None
! # 147 - None
# 148 - None
! # 149 - None
# 150 - None
# % 151 - None
# 152 - None
! # 153 - None
@# 154 - None
@# 155 - None
156 - Blue
!@ $ 157 - Dependant on tileset
158 - Peach
! 159 - Grey
% 160 - Blue
! 161 - None
! 162 - Peach
! $ 163 - Dependant on tileset
! % 164 - Purple
165 - Grey
! 166 - Dependant on tileset
! 167 - Grey
@ $ 168 - Dark orange
$ 169 - Dependant on tileset
170 - Black
$ 171 - Dependant on tileset
% 172 - White
% 173 - Grey
% 174 - Dark grey
! 175 - Dark blue
! % 176 - Black
! $% 177 - Dependant on tileset
# 178 - None
@# 179 - None
180 - Orange
181 - Red
182 - Tan
! # 183 - None
!@ 184 - Dark brown
! 185 - Peach
186 - Grey
# % 187 - None
188 - Black
# 189 - None
! # 190 - None
! # 191 - None
# 192 - None
# 193 - None
! # % 194 - None
# 195 - None
! % 196 - White
# % 197 - None
# % 198 - None
! # % 199 - None
% 200 - White
! 201 - White
202 - White
! 203 - White
! 204 - White
! 205 - White
! # 206 - None
! # 207 - None
! $ 208 - Dependant on tileset
! # 209 - None
! # 210 - None
# 211 - None
! 212 - Peach
! # 213 - Dependant on tileset
! # 214 - Dependant on tileset
215 - None
% 216 - None
% 217 - None
% 218 - Grey
# % 219 - Dependant on tileset
% 220 - Red
! % 221 - Brown
222 - Brown
223 - Dark blue
# 224 - None
225 - Grey
&226 - Dependant on tileset
% 227 - Light blue
# % 228 - None
229 - Brown
! &230 - Dependant on tileset
! 231 - Light blue
! 232 - Brown/orange
! # 233 - None
! # % 234 - None
! # % 235 - None
$ 236 - Dependant on tileset
! # 237 - None
! # % 238 - None
! # % 239 - None
# % 240 - None
! # % 241 - None
# % 242 - None
# % 243 - None
# % 244 - None
# 245 - None
# 246 - None
# 247 - None
248 - Dark brown
# 249 - None
# 250 - None
# 251 - None
252 - Black
&253 - Dependant on tileset
254 - Brown
# 255 - None
Terrain Notes

- In badlands, units that flash type one, flash shades of blue. Units that flash type
two, flash from blue to brown. In the minimap, colors that flash type one, flash
shades of blue, colors that flash type two, flash blue to brown.

- In space, units that flash type one or type two will not flash at all. Minimap
colors that flash type one or type two will not flash and will just be blue. Units
that have black in thier color will be "transparent". You can not see the tile
below them, but you will see the stars on them.

- In installation, units that flash type one or type two will not flash at all.
Minimap colors that flash type one or type two will not flash and will just be blue.

- In ashworld, units that flash type one or type two will flash shades of orange and
then grey for a few miliseconds. In the minimap, colors that flash type one, flash
shades of orange and then grey for a few miliseconds. Minimap colors that flash
type two will not flash and will just be blue.

- In jungle, units that flash type one, flash shades of blue. Units that flash type
two, flash from blue to brown. In the minimap, colors that flash type one, flash
shades of blue, colors that flash type two, flash blue to brown.

- In desert, units that flash type one or type two will flash shades of black, brown
and grey. Type two is brighter and does quicker repititions. In the minimap, colors
that flash type one or type two will flash shades of black, brown, and grey. Type
two is brighter and does quicker repititions.

- In ice, units that flash type one or type two will flash shades of grey. Type two
is brighter and does quicker repititions. In the minimap, colors that flash type
one or type two will flash shades of grey. Type two is brighter and does quicker

- In twilight, units that flash type one or type two will flash shades of grey. Type
two is brighter and does quicker repititions. In the minimap, colors that flash
type one or type two will flash shades of grey. Type two is brighter and does
quicker repititions.
By: DrunkenWrestler <>
Thanks to: `Fire` <> and Kellimus <>

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have left, And started a new
I don't have GUEdit so that first list is useless , and it says to find starcraft.exe so I find starcraft.exe click open and it crashe's , and I said text color list mv , not unit color list as on the second list..


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
You mean as in
light blue
light green

That stuff? Here.
Unit names and text:
 - Light blue 1
 - Light blue 2
 - Yellow
 - White
 - Grey*
 - Red
 - Light green
 - Invisible*
 - O back
 - O front

Map properties and Mission briefings:
 - Light blue 1
 - Light blue 2
 - Green
 - Light green
 - Grey*
 - White
 - Red
 - Invisible*
 - O back
 - O front

If that's not it then I have no friggen clue what you're talking about.

[GLOW=BLUE]- [COLOR=004400]The[/COLOR][COLOR=006600]_Ma[/COLOR][COLOR=008800]tri[/COLOR][COLOR=00AA00]x_R[/COLOR][COLOR=00CC00]elo[/COLOR][COLOR=00EE00]ad[/COLOR][COLOR=00FF00]ed[/COLOR][/GLOW]


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
Reaction score
Ho-ly Crap. Those lists should be put in the Map-Making FAQ thread.


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, nice idea. I should add that to the faq.
Anyways, sorry I missunderstood you.
But SCXE has a built in color tool too.

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have left, And started a new
Unfortunatly I don't have broodwar so that's kinda useless to me to.... the only editor that works for me is the normal sc editor and starforge and I hope the new version of starforge comes out soon and I hope it's compatable with all the editors.

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