I cant get my pindlebot working like i want it to!
I´ve downloaded Jedi- Master and Padawan Learner and files like Bloodsorc.
When i start my pindlebot everything is fine!
But in the moment when the first enemies arrive he isnt attackting but just warping through (Bloodsorc). Thats very expensive for my mana and after a while, when mana is empty the char just remain standing between all the monster!
Is it possible to change settings that way that my char attacks instead of warping?
Another problem i have is that my novasorc doesn´t seem to fit to the novasorc script! There is always an error accuring! I really dont know what to change in the files to make the bot work regularly!
It says: The init,js script has not yet been confirmend for....
case "my name":
Print ("ÿc3Starting the Pindleskin Run for " + Player.Name + "!");
Command("scripter start pindabot/bloodsorc.js");
Print ("ÿc8The _Init.js script has not yet been configured to");
Print ("ÿc8support the character " + Player.Name + "!");
Hope that u can help me
I cant get my pindlebot working like i want it to!
I´ve downloaded Jedi- Master and Padawan Learner and files like Bloodsorc.
When i start my pindlebot everything is fine!
But in the moment when the first enemies arrive he isnt attackting but just warping through (Bloodsorc). Thats very expensive for my mana and after a while, when mana is empty the char just remain standing between all the monster!
Is it possible to change settings that way that my char attacks instead of warping?
Another problem i have is that my novasorc doesn´t seem to fit to the novasorc script! There is always an error accuring! I really dont know what to change in the files to make the bot work regularly!
It says: The init,js script has not yet been confirmend for....
case "my name":
Print ("ÿc3Starting the Pindleskin Run for " + Player.Name + "!");
Command("scripter start pindabot/bloodsorc.js");
Print ("ÿc8The _Init.js script has not yet been configured to");
Print ("ÿc8support the character " + Player.Name + "!");
Hope that u can help me