To stack with the Xtra Editor, you choose the mineral field you wish to use.
Go to the location you want to stack.
Hold down on the left button of your mouse.
Make small circles on the map.
Release the button when finished.
It is crude, and messy looking, but that is the best that the Xtra Editor can do for stacking.
The proper way is with the SCM Toolkit, but if your unfamiliar with the Xtra Editor, you are not ready for the SCM Toolkit.
It's tedious to use, even if you have patience.
As far as how to use the Xtra Editor for standard operations.
It's used the same way as the standard editor.
It allows you to place things in areas you usually wouldn't be allowed to place in.
It has doodads and extra things in the Unit menus.
There are more AI settings.
You can add color to text with it.
The rest, you should learn from experience.
If the standard editor is difficult to use, stay with it till your comfortable, then move up, your maps will thank you for it.