* Smite always hits a target in range, so Attack Rating does not matter when using this skill.
* Smite does not work with Life/Mana % Steal.
* Smite is a weapon skill and thus is affected by Attack Speed (e.g. 'Fanaticism') and is not affected by Cast Rate (e.g. -of the Apprentice). Smite works with any "X% Chance to cast level Y (spell) upon striking" ability on your weapon.
* Smite does not receive added damage vs. undead with the Sanctuary aura.
* The Fire/Cold/Lightning damage added to attacks with the Holy-Fire, Holy-Freeze, and Holy-Shock auras do not add onto Smite damage.
* Smite can steal life with life tap cursed on target.
* Smite can also deal crushing blow and open wounds damage, but not deadly strike and elemental damages.
* Using Smite will reduce the durability of your weapon NOT shield