Need help with sky!



Hi im sorry my question is probably really dumb but anyway... im making a map where the camera is all down and low like in legacies... and i have gone into options and set a sky but whenever i test it there is still no sky.. instead it is just black .... do any of you know why... does there need to be a certian tileset for a sky to work.... anyway thx!


Fixed.. got another prob

ah... ok i figured out how to do it.... for those of you who dont know... theres a trigger for environment and you set the sky there on map initialization.....

now i have another question though... im trying to make a map with a camera that the player can mess around with .... so what i was doing was:
EVENT: Player 1 pressess the left arrow
ACTION: Set CamAA = (CamAA +5)

but i wanted a more continuse action so i did 2 triggers like this for a direction....:

EVENT player 1 presses the left Arrow
ACTION:set cam = 1

EVENT: every .01 seconds of game time
ACTION: If (cam equal to 1) then do (set camAA =(camAA+1) else do nothing

this was working fine and i was happy but then suddenly it started going around really fast and wouldnt stop i even added in -debug command to set cam back to 0 but its not that....
i have:
set player1's camera rotation to CamAA over .30 seconds

so you know where the variable is coming in.... please try this out and tell me if yours doesnt mess up or.... something thanks


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
ACTION: If (cam equal to 1) then do (set camAA = (camAA+1) else do nothing

I thought that was obvious..... Every .01 second, you rotate the camera 1 pixel..... So every second 100 pixels are moving by.....

Try increasing the every .01 second duration.


thanks for the thought but..

Thanks for the idea... i had it set to .1 sec before and CamAA=camAA+5 but that was too blocky..... i think the problem is different because when i did my old one (.01 sec camAA=camAA+1) it would work great but THEN start spinning out of control... i just tested with .05 sec and found out that every 3 spins it starts going psycho... so then i realize i must set the variable back to zero cuz it doesnt go to like degree 10000... im an idiot :rollie


Sorry i didnt want to double post so i did the next best thing... incase anybody wants to know i did get this camera to work and so what you do is instead of the old trigger of every 0.01 sec.. you must put in this

EVENT: Every 0.01 sec of game
ACTION: if cam = 1 then do (if camAA < 360 then do (camAA=camAA +1) else camAA= 0) else do nothing*

*that do nothing will later become another If then doing essientially the same thing but for other keys like if cam = 2 then do .... etc

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