Need help vs orc!


Aug 9, 2004
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vs orc im kinda doing this:
i try to harrass him first(most time succeeds)
i push him hard in his base , doesnt give him chance to creep well...
at the same time my fiends are creeping themselves...
then i go tier 2 , takes out another hero - building slaughter house and then when enough money i upgrade tier 3 for aboms.
it sometimes work sometime he reaches bloodlust then i lose...
dual barracks is freaking hard for me!!
sometime someone did vs me (when i did fiend start)
2 dual barracks and he pumped like crazy the trolls.....
i coudlnt pull off harrass cause he made 1 tower and got his peons to burrow....
then i have no chance vs those trolls....
what can UD do vs 2 dual barracks?

i need to know what are common strategies that orcs do vs ud like in N_'s thread... help me vs those green monsters ;(


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Jan 19, 2004
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Although I havent played UD since new patch, I recommand you following one of my (Derz told me this one) old strat against Orc as UD.

Make DK, and have staff of skelly with you, and go for fast fiend build (sticky) and mass those fiends, and when you tech, make sure you make statues and destroyer later on. And have Lich/CL as second hero (CL for summon? I guess...)

Oh yea, make sure you learn burrow too =) you can use that to heal fiends faster =D
Feb 6, 2004
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=) Well, i'll tell you this, orc can't do anything against fiends/destroyers. HHs/Batriders get torn up by heroes and fiends, Taurens/Casters get torn up by derstroyers(R00fles?), and heroes get torn up by nuke.

So ask yourself, what are the options of an orc? Beat you in either a rush or a early tech, or a fast expo. What I normally do is creep to level 2, get atleast 5 fiends with some skellies, and make a run for aas many burrows as possible. Get the shop as well, this is because if he returns, he will be able to heal his troops up. If he's tier 1, you know he will rush you - you can either get more towers, or match his army with your army. If he's in tier 2, speed up your tech to destroyers asap. If he has an expo, he prolly won't have a strong army so you can take him easily. Keep in mind, if he has an FS, watch those wolves, you have to target them first since they die the easiest, then target weakest grunts. DO NOT let any of your fiends die, always keep a constant watch.

Also note, try and learn to nuke, one of UD's most strongest advantage =[


Aug 9, 2004
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ok i undestand.. but look when i have fiends for too much time , most orcs i met do these possibiliteis:
1. keep pumping grunts then get raiders and rape me - it ownz fiends only and if i get some destroyers they can catch it with the ensare...
2. they tower their base - prevent harrass of me... tech to bloodlust and even sometimes add a tauren or two.... thats unstoppable with fiends
3. orc made a start with 2 barracks and pumped trolls... just FF on my poor fiends and bye.... couldnt stop it with fiends.. badass rush.

so what i usually do is get 1 crypt , pump fiends from it... in the meantime i harrass orc if possible... then i get the fiends to rush(i have about 4-5 when i go rush) and if i dont make in the rush i continue to tier 2 for burrow and web, and for slaughter house+ i take lich(ownz nova)... and after i do that when i have the money i upgrade to tier 3 and get aboms out.
no chance for orc vs 2 heros+few aboms for tank+fiends+statues.
isnt it?


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Jul 15, 2003
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Alos CL works a lot with imaple vs grunts. I have seen this hero good vs orc.
Feb 6, 2004
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1.With decent micro, you will find that Fiends own grunts.
2.Don't let a tower stop you from rushing/harrassing
3.Destroyers own taurens and shamans and will forever own taurens and shamans
4.Try nuking their hero.
5.Trolls are weak, pull back the focus fired fiend, and focus fire yourself on the troll/grunt or whatever
6.Always get skellies, they are more useful then you think
7.Raiders are pretty weak as well, add some ghouls in your army to take them down and for some extra meat


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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K0Bi said:
so i dont tech to tier 3 for aboms?
and i do triple hero?
i always do 2
I'd say 2, and you do tech to tier 3.

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