I have download d2hack it 0.56 , and trade hack d2 hack it plugin.
I have taken the "th.d2h" and i put it in the folder "D2HackIt-0.56-bin" , like the read me says.
I have renamed the loader.exe in d2loader.exe .
Now it's ready , so i launch th.exe , who launchs diablo 2 LOD , i join a game and i try to launch the loader , but nothing happen.
The read me say :
but i can't start d2hack it because the the loader doesn't work.
So my question is , What i must do to launch d2hack it , and , of course , how do we use tradehack.
If someone is french , i will be really happy if he explains me how to use trade hack.
I have download d2hack it 0.56 , and trade hack d2 hack it plugin.
I have taken the "th.d2h" and i put it in the folder "D2HackIt-0.56-bin" , like the read me says.
I have renamed the loader.exe in d2loader.exe .
Now it's ready , so i launch th.exe , who launchs diablo 2 LOD , i join a game and i try to launch the loader , but nothing happen.
The read me say :
This is the tradehack module for D2HackIt! 0.33 and later. All you
need to do is copy the th.d2h file to the same folder as your
D2HackIt.dll, start D2HackIt and type ".load th" to load the module.
Put up your items in tradewindow, let the other user select which
item he wants, type <enter>.set th<enter> and click on the item he
selected. This item will be prepared for tradehack by by putting it
in the tradebuffer and closing trade window when you click.
but i can't start d2hack it because the the loader doesn't work.
So my question is , What i must do to launch d2hack it , and , of course , how do we use tradehack.
If someone is french , i will be really happy if he explains me how to use trade hack.