Need help on my map - computer a.i.


Aug 29, 2003
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my computer a..i wont do anything. i have always set insane campaign zerg at anywhere, with a preserver trigger.

always set campaign zerg insane at (a base of a mine) with no preserver trigger. (so it stops when a building dies.)

then i have zerg campagin insane around a group of hives and 2 infested cc's, but they dont build anything, and i gave the comp max minerals and gas.

so really, they dont build anything at all. and its quite stupid. i am making a special forces map, the the computer wont do anything. the only time the base is attacked when i have triggered units appear and are trigger ordered to attack the base...


May 18, 2003
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Have the location over the hive or command center or nexus or somethign like that. And you also gotta give them some workers.:D


Aug 29, 2003
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ok, i changed to protoss, added a base with workers and buidlings liek nexus and enough pylons and other buldings all over the map to have 200 population. Yet still they dont do anything except attack with units pre-triggered to appear.

-on a side note, for some reason my triggers dont work. im not a bad or newbie mapper, this has nothing to do with me. its the game. if i run it at fastest speed a transport will leave without picking up the marine. if i run it at fast speed (default single) then the transport will pick up the marine but wont leave. it's very wierd. but my main problem is the comp. a.i.


Jun 1, 2003
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Are they mining at all? If they're just mining, you may have disabled a building that they require to build to get to the higher buildings (like a gateway, so they just sit there because they want to build a gateway but can't.) Is it the correct run AI at location script? Are you using the correct location? And is the location large enough for them to build a general base to get started? And does the trigger apply to the correct player? It may sound like I'm insulting your intelligence, but I'm not; I often screw up and check the wrong box or do something as trivial as that. Those are probably some of the likely problems with your trigger. If none of those are the problem, then the trigger is probably not executing; make sure that the conditions are reachable.
Make sure that you have enough extra farms as well, which it sounds like you do, but check to see if you have gone over 200 food with all of the units. Also, I sometimes find that multiple waiting triggers can interfere with each other on a complex map. Try making sure that you don't have some ungodly large wait time on another trigger if you have a wait time for running the AI script. If the AI script is based on a timer, try making it so that the AI has at least 10 seconds to activate. I also find that if you tell a trigger to execute exactly on a second of the timer that sometimes it will not do so. I'm not sure if any of these will help, but its worth a shot.


Aug 29, 2003
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i checked conditions / actions/ locations / location size / player/ psi amount/ allbuildings enabled with 1 sec build time/ 1 sec build time on units too. they arent mining either. they start with probes, use them once to get minerals, then stop when they hit trhe nexus. the units i pre-create to attack the base are all heros, i did that to not mess up thier population count, and they still wont do a damn thing.


Jun 1, 2003
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Yea, I refer to all pylon/overlord/supply as farms. Five letter word, no thinking involved. And I've never seen anything like that with the probes. I doubt that having that many minerals and that much gas would do anything at the start if they got more money (programming language max number sizes aren't generally 9999999), but you could always try taking out a 9 to just try it if for some reason it conflicts with the AI. I doubt there are 1600 units in your screen as well, but you could check that too. Max unit count would probably stop em dead in their tracks with that ugly "cannot create more units" message. I might be able to check it out if you attach the map or something as well, but if you're a person concerned about your unlocked maps getting out and all that stuff, don't worry about it.
I always have the most luck by just screwing around with stuff that may be conflicting with the AI. If Battle Forums can't help, you could copy your map and remove all of the extra complicated stuff with the computer, and then add it one by one as you work it out. Of course, that's always a pain to do, so use that as a last option.


Aug 29, 2003
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i will try to make as many changes as i can today, and put a version of it out if it still is broken. you can check it in single player. for now i got to fix it, or try too.

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