Need help on a map "extra"...


Jun 1, 2003
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Ahoy! I seem to be rather stuck on how to go about making my Starship Troopers map harder. Its not hard enough--I was able to beat it with four people about three times out of a hundred (needs some work, aye)--and was thinking of incorporating something like a flying overmind with shields shooting broodlings out at a rapid pace. Although I can do that with Arsenal 3--or at least think I can, considering I was able to do some other odd stuff on it for other maps--I need to know how I can do something like this and make it so that it is multiplayer WITHOUT others running the same .mpq files or whatever as I am. In other words, is there any program that can incorporate the file into my map so that it is downloaded by others over BNet and run the same way? Or is there any other way to have a hulking overmind shredding people to make more people whine about the difficulty (and of course try again)?

There must be some way to do odd stuff like this, considering I downloaded a map over BNet that included a beacon with a touchdown command that expired after three uses, creating beacons in each spot. I am really hoping to top my map off with this along with some of that corny 20 second ominous music that plays in all of the other Starship Trooper maps, so if you are able to help with the overmind, please do. Even a vague idea may be enough to help. Thank ye. Oh, and if you want the map, my name is the same on BNet for both Warcraft II (which is way better than Warcraft 3 and Starcraft IMO, just with less options for map editing and gameplay) and Starcraft as it is on this forum. Just send me a message and I'd be happy to give a playable version of the map to ye.

Edit: Hrm, looks like the Blizzard forums actually hold some useful stuff on them. Still, if anybody has information, please post.

'Nother edit: Ugh. Attempting to figure this out is making me want to go make one of those cruddy money maps. And thanks for the reply virus, but unfortunately that web site is a bit outdated (something about King Arthur leaving and blah blah blah all the people left nobody interested anymore). Quite a shame, considering I used all their stuff when it was up to date. Also, reading the Blizz forums up to a year ago didn't really help me, so any information would be GREAT.

Bolt Head

May 20, 2003
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I highly doubt there is a way to import the mpq files into your map and have them useable by anyone that downloads them.

As far as the beacons that could be done with triggers and few triggers used to count the times it repeated


Jun 1, 2003
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Pity. However, I did download some MPQ embedder thing. Doesn't look like what I'm looking for, but the way it sounds, if it upgrades or anything in the future, it may be possible. And thanks for the info about the beacons; I was curious about that. But can you really add in a landing command to a beacon using triggers...? There must have been something else that was used. Thanks.

Edit: After much delving, I may have stumbled onto something...
I guess there was something on CC after all. Looks like I'd better be reinstalling C++ now. Too bad it isn't as easy as Warcraft 2 editing. Was able to make my peasants fly and such...just had to try not to harvest wood unless I wanted a shortcut to my desktop.

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