Naruto Arena


Jul 11, 2003
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Jan 23, 2003
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ok sorry i couldnt give a better explaination early...women...

its a flash game, you register to get in the system and then build a team of 3 naruto characters(theres like 20ish starting characters with another like 12 unlockables). each characters has a dodge ability and 3 special abilities. some have abilities that you need to activate before the others can be. each ability costs chakra which acts like i think 5 different mana types. you need certain chakra to cast certain abilities so when building a party it isnt a good idea to have all characters that use the same chakra. Most abilities require more than 1 chakra to cast, it will come in black. you can use any other chakra to fill that spot but its a good idea to save chakra that your characters use.

so the game alternates turns between players, each turn your given some chakra(im unsure how the system works on which chakras you get per turn) and you try to use your abilities to hit the other players charactres. knock out all the other characters and you win...lose all yours and you lose. some characters have abilities which remove the ability of your characters to defend or cast abilites so there is a lot of trial and error between figuring out what those characters do.

then there are unlockables. in order to obtain all the characters, you have to go through something called ninja missions. these missions require you to use certain characters and win x amount of times or defeat certain characters x amount of times with a certain person. for example, sasuke, naruto, and sakura need to fight together at least 3 times in order to begin a series of quests that reward you with characters like zabuza. some of these unlockables have pretty cool abilites, but they arnt completly unbeatable because then the game would be unbalanced.

well i think i explained it pretty well. you should at least give it a few rounds to see if you like it or not.


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