Official Forum Hamster
Flamingice from d2-trades.com said:SKILLS
Zeal - 1-5(i am testing with 3)
Smite - Max
Holy shield - Max
Fanat - Max
Defience - Everything else
Stats - About 105 into str
125-130 dexterity
Vitality - Everything else
Energy - You might wanna do 5 but it doesnt really matter( i didnt)
Gear -
Weapon- Heavens light might sceptor With 2 15 all res jewels with second mods
Shield - (Rich)Griz shield with 3 ums or eexile with high res(poor)Griz shield or hoz with 3 pdiamonds
Helm - Guillaimes face witha 15 all res jewel second mod
Gloves - Dracs(Duh)
Boots (also duh) Gores
Ammy - (Rich) Maras (POOR) Highlords
Rings - Raven frost and soj(or you could use 2xsojs 2xravens 2x w/e)
Belt - Dungos (You can also use arach )
Basic strategy - in uber trist, go all the way to the house above the portal in that top left corner, put vigor on and "hug" the walls all around tristram( make sure on left click you have zeal) If done correctly, mephisto will see you and demons will spawn. ignore the demons go straight for meph.
Sometimes baal and or dclone will come in, dont worry if you have life tap youll be ok.
Mephisto has conviction so make sure you have a buddy or something with salvation(not required)
Use zeal on mephisto(5 hits should be) until life tap hits, then switch to smite and bash away!
Now if you die during this trist run(if meph kills you its understandable) it means you did something wrong.
Currently, by about 85 you should have the skills and be ready to solo trist If you have eexile just dont put any points into zeal, if you have noneth exile put 1-3 into zeal
Since this is the first smite guide on these forums it should probably be stickied
Yes, i am flamingice from d2-trades(DUH)