Greetings. I just want to share my protoss strategy. Versing all races. After 12 food. I will not post when i get probe, because as you no, the times when u get probes, changes each game. So get probes when you think u need them.
7 - Pylon
8 - Forge/Gateway (if vsing zerg, otherwise gateway)
9 - Gateway/Forge (gateway if vsing zerg, otherwise, forge)
10 - probe/cannon
11 - cannon/probe
12 - zealot
By 12 (i think, from memory). I will have 1 zealot & a cannon to defend againsnt 6-pool ling rushes. I can stop them.
Cyber Core
Citadel of Adun
Templar Archives
High Temps (if vsing zerg)
All the while. Im building a few Zeals here & there, along with pylons. And i space pylons out so a cannon can fit in between them, above the gateways (or below, depends where u r on the map). I have found that this works against most attacks. Except long-range ones. Lurks/Tanks/Guards.
Robotics Fac.
Reaver making thingo
2 Reavers + Shuttle. Reaver drop them if poor d near peons.
It changes from here one. Before the reaver drop, i will have attacked maybe twice with a nice assault
This is the basic layout. I rarely get a stargate. Only when vsing Zerg on LT or other Large maps.
7 - Pylon
8 - Forge/Gateway (if vsing zerg, otherwise gateway)
9 - Gateway/Forge (gateway if vsing zerg, otherwise, forge)
10 - probe/cannon
11 - cannon/probe
12 - zealot
By 12 (i think, from memory). I will have 1 zealot & a cannon to defend againsnt 6-pool ling rushes. I can stop them.
Cyber Core
Citadel of Adun
Templar Archives
High Temps (if vsing zerg)
All the while. Im building a few Zeals here & there, along with pylons. And i space pylons out so a cannon can fit in between them, above the gateways (or below, depends where u r on the map). I have found that this works against most attacks. Except long-range ones. Lurks/Tanks/Guards.
Robotics Fac.
Reaver making thingo
2 Reavers + Shuttle. Reaver drop them if poor d near peons.
It changes from here one. Before the reaver drop, i will have attacked maybe twice with a nice assault
This is the basic layout. I rarely get a stargate. Only when vsing Zerg on LT or other Large maps.