My Pooched Map - All they do is harvest minerals



I'm frustrated and can't think of anything else to try. I've looked at a number of forums and other maps to try and decipher my problem, but I'm almost to conclude that Starcraft's AI scripts are quite frankly "defective" :-/ .

I've made a single player map with 6 computer players all set against you on insane difficulty (attached). Sounds insane doesn't it? Well I've gone insane trying to get them to build-up a base and fight! Here are my map's symptoms:

  1. Most computer players just sit there and mine minerals.
  2. The behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes one or two computer players will actually build-up and attack me; never the same two players and sometimes never any.
  3. Using either expansion campaign insane or expansion custom level AI both try to build their own buildings whenever they do build.
  4. For campaign insane, they seem to always first and right away build another command center adjacent to the one they already have; then the SCV/probe/drone or whatever just sits there and does nothing.
  5. asdf (yikes! scary eh? Canadian eh?)
  6. When mining minerals the computer does not create any additional probes/SCVs/Drones
  7. I created a brand new, completely empty and super-simple map of me and 3 other players, Zerg, Protoss and Terran set to custom level AI. None of them did squat except mine minerals.

Here's what I've tried on my own to verify that I'm not doing something wrong or stupid:

  • Tried Starcraft Broodwar versions 1.04, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 1.11
  • Tried spacing them out (the computer bases) thinking maybe they were crowded
  • Tried trigger "Run AI Script at Location" with a location that encapsulates only the command center
  • Tried trigger "Run AI Script at Location" with a location that encapsulates the command center and surrounding resources
  • Tried trigger "Run AI Script at Location" with a location that encapsulates the command center, surrounding resources, and then some
  • Tried "Run AI Script at Location" trigger at "anywhere"
  • Checked several times that I'm running the correct AI scripts, (e.g. "Expansion Terran Campaign Insane" over a Terran base, etc.)
  • Can't remember, but I think I even tried it without my sound effects (remember I also created a super-simple map that didn't work either)
  • Tried executing the AI triggers under the associated player
  • Tried executing the AI triggers under the "All Players" category
  • Tried deleting all but the important triggers (remember also created a super-simple map that didn't work)
  • Tried deleting all but the important locations (remember; super-simple map)

What puzzles me most is that for some reason I remember long time ago making a similar map with 3 opposing computer opponents that worked great, and with a lot of complex triggers, so that's why I'm not giving up easily.

So, here's the million dollar question: "What am I doing wrong?" :confused:

I've uploaded / attached my map, so feel free to tear it to pieces if you want and hopefully give me some kind of heads-up, especially if it works on your computer and not mine I would really like to know!

But wait! there's more! Reply within the next ten minutes and I WON'T jump off that bridge tomorrow morning!! :D


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
woot map tearing time :D ill check it out right now, see whats wrong, try to fix it, and let you know asap


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Change the following and see if you get your desired effects

-Split the trigger in All Players which tells all units to enter nearest bunker, so there are two seperate triggers, one for Player 4 which tells all units at Bunker 2 to enter nearest bunker (which should work fine) and one for Player 7 which tells all units at your other location to enter nearest bunker (it looks like this will cause some marine chaos, you might want to make an individual location for each bunker if you actually want them to do it)
-Make sure you have removed your old bunker trigger and move your 2 new ones up to the top of Player 4 and Player 7
-Remove the All Players trigger which runs the ai script Protoss Insane at Anywhere
-Turn off random start locations for both forces
-Give Player 5 an extractor or two :p
-I'm not sure what your Player 7 flood trigger is for, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention all the orders are in "Move to" form instead of "Attack to"

this should greatly improve your computer's building and attacking patterns, if any of your comps dont do something right after these steps, it will be because you aren't providing them with any nearby assimilators, or something is wrong with that certain comp's ai script (location not being placed right/location being too small/too big/wrong ai script).. they should all function normally though, unless some unforseen problem arises, and in that case it will most likely be one computer that isnt responding correctly because of a trigger associated only with them

Edited: I thought I should mention that for the Bunker 2 trigger for Player 4, I am not saying it won't cause them to act retarded.. I suggest individual locations there as well, so if it doesn't work, you know why.

Also, if the AI still isn't working or you think you completed all the steps but aren't sure, put the new version on here and I will look at it again.


-Azrael666- said:
Change the following and see if you get your desired effects

-Split the trigger in All Players which tells all units to enter nearest bunker, so there are two seperate triggers, one for Player 4 which tells all units at Bunker 2 to enter nearest bunker (which should work fine) and one for Player 7 which tells all units at your other location to enter nearest bunker (it looks like this will cause some marine chaos, you might want to make an individual location for each bunker if you actually want them to do it)
-Azrael666- said:
-Make sure you have removed your old bunker trigger and move your 2 new ones up to the top of Player 4 and Player 7
-Azrael666- said:
-Remove the All Players trigger which runs the ai script Protoss Insane at Anywhere
I think I must've deleted that one like 5 times; funny how these things keep creepin' back
-Azrael666- said:
-Turn off random start locations for both forces
hmmmm, good point
-Azrael666- said:
-Give Player 5 an extractor or two :p
I can't, he owes me lunch money :susp
-Azrael666- said:
-I'm not sure what your Player 7 flood trigger is for, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention all the orders are in "Move to" form instead of "Attack to"
Oh that's a fun one :D every once in awhile the comp moves a bunch of units to these northern gates. Then the trigger transports them to the southern gates at the bottom of the map. From there another trigger orders them to attack to the backdoor of your bases :) effectively catching you with your pants down as it is put. :)

-Azrael666- said:
this should greatly improve your computer's building and attacking patterns, if any of your comps dont do something right after these steps, it will be because you aren't providing them with any nearby assimilators, or something is wrong with that certain comp's ai script (location not being placed right/location being too small/too big/wrong ai script).. they should all function normally though, unless some unforseen problem arises, and in that case it will most likely be one computer that isnt responding correctly because of a trigger associated only with them

Edited: I thought I should mention that for the Bunker 2 trigger for Player 4, I am not saying it won't cause them to act retarded.. I suggest individual locations there as well, so if it doesn't work, you know why.

Also, if the AI still isn't working or you think you completed all the steps but aren't sure, put the new version on here and I will look at it again.
Alright, I'm gonna give this a try...

...10 minutes passes...

It works.

I am eccstatic, this is amazing, you truly are a genious! All computers actually build-up! I've never been so happy getting my butt kicked into the ground!

I think the million dollar answer to the million dollar question is: turn off random start locations.

Thanks dude, I'll post my map when it's nicely polished and joyously all finished. I think I'm going to start making my own SC-style RTS game with four other buddies pretty soon here (I finally got a graphic artist on my side). I would like to hook you-up on that action when we're ready.


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I think I've diagnosed the problems, but it might not work. Try to set the Human players enemies with the computers. Have that trigger before the AI trigger.

Trigger 1 (Set Player 1 to Enemy)
Trigger 2 (Run AI Script...)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
why thank you my good sir :cool: im glad i could be of assistance, lol.. sucks to be Player 5, he might wanna give you some lunch money or he's going to get owned :D

edited: omg i missed a colon, lol

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