My mf

Aug 16, 2005
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i currtly have 260 mf n getting a shako soonbut untill i get that n my tals i aint strong enough for hell so i want to know is nm meph baal n pindle worth doing with only 260mf n wat will drop like the highest thing also mf doesnt work on runes does it? also can someone tell me those spots where mephisto cant hit u if u stand there?
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
do hell andy runs.. i got alot of sojs off her.. mf doesnt work on runes unfortnatly. there is a gap betwenn the tp that leads u to a4 stand back from that after u lead meph up there and just cast like crazy( it helps if u have mh so u can see if u hit him.. but it worths with :ufo


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Depends on what your running. I assume your character is a sorc, most likely cold or fire.

First thing you need to do is clear the area of all the council members and vampires. This way you don't get into deep trouble. Tele to Meph and lead him over to the gap by the act 4 portal. If you look closely their is a set of steps on the left or right leading into this gap. Get Meph as close as possible to the edge there. Tele across the gap walk about a quarter of the way away from Meph, ( just enough that he will be able to click on for an attack) and launch your most powerful spell at him ( meteor, blizard, orb) All of Mephs attacks will cross over the barrier, but if you are far enough it wont touch you. Spam the skill till he dies.

Word of advice, don't try the moat trick with a merc, it will die if not strong enough.

Good place to MF at any lvl is in act 1 pits (in totem highlands area) also from personal oppinion, I would suggest about 230-250 mf

if your looking for a SoJ try norm Andy runs, for me they seem to drop their the most


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
I think your MF is good (but thats my oppinion) at 260, I would however shy away from doing alot of Meph runs in the future since you are a lightning sorc. I would do hell andy, cow nm, and pit runs in hell as well (maybe even nm). Forgot what pindle is immune to (been a while since I played) but if he is not immune to him get a few runs their as well. Baal IMO is not worth the hassel to MF, since you have to battle threw all the minions, but if you can do it solo without too much effort go for it.

I would also suggest you get a act 2 holy freeze merc, and/or at least 1 point into a fire or cold skill, just incase you come across immunes (like hell meph, souls, ect)

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