a few nights ago i had heard about big raids going on starting in stormwind, so i decided to see what these things were all about. we were literally on our second raid group, being as we filled the first one. it was wonderful really, seeing so many people all together making a human train following one person. however this first attempt of a raid would only show the horde how many newbs are on the alliance.
Instead of listening to me, everyone insisted on going down on a mad dash to booty bay, to sail over and beat some horde ass. just think of omaha beach in WW2, and that was our mad dash through stranglethorn vale. except instead of being shot down, we were being struck by baboons and cats with skulls instead of levels next to their icon.
we had a small bit of payoff at booty bay however, a tauren or two got off board and we ripped them to pieces, their corpse still on board when they tried to get it back i believe. also, we were scheduled to get on the next boat, and people had to make last minute jump offs from the first boat (which looked so funny, seeing them jump like ants off the ship). second time the boat came we left and finally jumped into horde territory. what? horde territory? we cant even hit most of them! the whole time we were just looking for something we could actually attack. we came across the orc guards, and instead of evading them, what does everyone do? MAD DASH OMGOMG!!! everyone died, people starting leaving the raid, raid 1 was over.
still bitter with defeat, but not quite down, we salvaged some people and met in Ironforge to give it one last shot. the group was led by a guy named gordon, a low level of only 15, and not a very good leader, but he knew where he was going. we rounded up only higher levels then, knowing we'd need more punch in our group then last time. in the end we had about half the people we had last time. it was still a large number though, and it made it considerably easier to work together. we traveled up to the harbor, and headed for darkshore. heading into ashenvale, we had some nasty signs of aggression with alliance corpses everywhere, and we all casted buffs and were prepared for some nasty fights. then, they finally came.
about what seemed like more then 40 horde charged out of nowhere into our group, and we had an insane war. i killed about four orcs before getting double teamed axed in the face, and dying. we lost the battle due plainly because of outnumbering. and it seemed like right after we regrouped, they had too and we fought once again. that time i only killed two, but didnt die. we had won that fight, or at least tied it. we didnt exactly get what we wanted out of it though. they contined on to assault darkshore, and we continued on to assault our next location: durotar.
after killing orcs here and there, we finally made it to durotar. a few low lev trolls attacked one of us, realized there were 25+ of us, and tried to get away. oh man hitting those guys was fun. we headed down to attack some more orcs, but instead of that, we found some guards again. what does EVERYONE do AGAIN? they attack the guards. the guards however, didnt lay off this time. they ran all the way up back to durotar, and we almost killed her to be exact. killing one of those high level guards is some tough shit, makes vancleef look like a pussy. at least 15 people had died then, and many of those had left the raid. finally some tauren were hearing about the action apparently, or just happened to be there at the time, because they started to appear. i turned into a kitty and prowled behind them, then bit their ass to death as they tried to run away foolishly. that was better then an orgasm. finally the undead 24+ levels came out and did some 5+ teaming against me, and it was time for me to leave.
and that is how my raid night went. i think if we just way 8 more levels, then do it again in a more organized matter, we could do some serious damage, and actually take on the guards. i cant wait for PvP rewards, i killed 10 orc and 1 undead, and i wasnt even trying that hard to kill them as much as i was trying to run away from guards
. also, speak of your own opinions or experiences of raids!
Instead of listening to me, everyone insisted on going down on a mad dash to booty bay, to sail over and beat some horde ass. just think of omaha beach in WW2, and that was our mad dash through stranglethorn vale. except instead of being shot down, we were being struck by baboons and cats with skulls instead of levels next to their icon.
we had a small bit of payoff at booty bay however, a tauren or two got off board and we ripped them to pieces, their corpse still on board when they tried to get it back i believe. also, we were scheduled to get on the next boat, and people had to make last minute jump offs from the first boat (which looked so funny, seeing them jump like ants off the ship). second time the boat came we left and finally jumped into horde territory. what? horde territory? we cant even hit most of them! the whole time we were just looking for something we could actually attack. we came across the orc guards, and instead of evading them, what does everyone do? MAD DASH OMGOMG!!! everyone died, people starting leaving the raid, raid 1 was over.
still bitter with defeat, but not quite down, we salvaged some people and met in Ironforge to give it one last shot. the group was led by a guy named gordon, a low level of only 15, and not a very good leader, but he knew where he was going. we rounded up only higher levels then, knowing we'd need more punch in our group then last time. in the end we had about half the people we had last time. it was still a large number though, and it made it considerably easier to work together. we traveled up to the harbor, and headed for darkshore. heading into ashenvale, we had some nasty signs of aggression with alliance corpses everywhere, and we all casted buffs and were prepared for some nasty fights. then, they finally came.
about what seemed like more then 40 horde charged out of nowhere into our group, and we had an insane war. i killed about four orcs before getting double teamed axed in the face, and dying. we lost the battle due plainly because of outnumbering. and it seemed like right after we regrouped, they had too and we fought once again. that time i only killed two, but didnt die. we had won that fight, or at least tied it. we didnt exactly get what we wanted out of it though. they contined on to assault darkshore, and we continued on to assault our next location: durotar.
after killing orcs here and there, we finally made it to durotar. a few low lev trolls attacked one of us, realized there were 25+ of us, and tried to get away. oh man hitting those guys was fun. we headed down to attack some more orcs, but instead of that, we found some guards again. what does EVERYONE do AGAIN? they attack the guards. the guards however, didnt lay off this time. they ran all the way up back to durotar, and we almost killed her to be exact. killing one of those high level guards is some tough shit, makes vancleef look like a pussy. at least 15 people had died then, and many of those had left the raid. finally some tauren were hearing about the action apparently, or just happened to be there at the time, because they started to appear. i turned into a kitty and prowled behind them, then bit their ass to death as they tried to run away foolishly. that was better then an orgasm. finally the undead 24+ levels came out and did some 5+ teaming against me, and it was time for me to leave.
and that is how my raid night went. i think if we just way 8 more levels, then do it again in a more organized matter, we could do some serious damage, and actually take on the guards. i cant wait for PvP rewards, i killed 10 orc and 1 undead, and i wasnt even trying that hard to kill them as much as i was trying to run away from guards