I'm selling the following items. PM me or e-mail me ( if you're interested in purchasing any of them.
-Set Items-
Griswol's Heart Ornate Plate - 3 Sockets, Gemmed
Tal-Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth Mesh Belt
Cow King's Hooves Heavy Boots
Sazabi's Grand Tribute SET
Sazabi's Mental Sheath Basinet
-Unique Items-
Stormshield Monarch - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves
The Stone of Jordon Ring
Vampire's Gaze Grim Helm - 1 Socket, Jeweled
The Atlantean Ancient Sword
The Rising Sun Amulet
Lycander's Flank Ceremonial Pike
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin (x2) (x1)
Wizardspike Bone Knife (x2)
Gull Dagger
Spineripper Poignard
Buriza-Do Kyranon Ballista - 1 Socket, Jeweled
War Traveler Battle Boots (x2)
Gold Wrap Heavy Belt (x2) (x1)
Windforce Hydra Bow - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Shaftstop Mesh Armor - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Blade of Ali Baba Tulwar - 2 Socket, Runed
Gore Rider War Boots (x2)
Vampire Gaze Grim Helm - Personalized, 1 Socket, Jeweled
Magefist Light Gauntlets
Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 1 Socket, Runed
Raven Frost Ring
Harlequin Crest Shako - 1 Socket
Change Guards Chain Gloves
Skullder's Ire Russet Armor
Shaftstop Mesh Armor
Lidless Wall Grim Shield (x2)
-Rune Words-
"Chains of Honor" Balrog Skin
"Delirium" Bone Visage (x2)
"Breath of Dying" Hydra Bow
"Breath of Dying" Crusader Bow
"Enigma" Wyrmhide
Bitter Wing Amulet
Gale Grasp Vambraces
Eagle Hold Ring
-Set Items-
Griswol's Heart Ornate Plate - 3 Sockets, Gemmed
Tal-Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth Mesh Belt
Cow King's Hooves Heavy Boots
Sazabi's Grand Tribute SET
Sazabi's Mental Sheath Basinet
-Unique Items-
Stormshield Monarch - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves
The Stone of Jordon Ring
Vampire's Gaze Grim Helm - 1 Socket, Jeweled
The Atlantean Ancient Sword
The Rising Sun Amulet
Lycander's Flank Ceremonial Pike
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin (x2) (x1)
Wizardspike Bone Knife (x2)
Gull Dagger
Spineripper Poignard
Buriza-Do Kyranon Ballista - 1 Socket, Jeweled
War Traveler Battle Boots (x2)
Gold Wrap Heavy Belt (x2) (x1)
Windforce Hydra Bow - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Shaftstop Mesh Armor - 1 Socket, Jeweled
Blade of Ali Baba Tulwar - 2 Socket, Runed
Gore Rider War Boots (x2)
Vampire Gaze Grim Helm - Personalized, 1 Socket, Jeweled
Magefist Light Gauntlets
Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 1 Socket, Runed
Raven Frost Ring
Harlequin Crest Shako - 1 Socket
Change Guards Chain Gloves
Skullder's Ire Russet Armor
Shaftstop Mesh Armor
Lidless Wall Grim Shield (x2)
-Rune Words-
"Chains of Honor" Balrog Skin
"Delirium" Bone Visage (x2)
"Breath of Dying" Hydra Bow
"Breath of Dying" Crusader Bow
"Enigma" Wyrmhide
Bitter Wing Amulet
Gale Grasp Vambraces
Eagle Hold Ring