Well I can certainly tell that you are all PC users with support Windows. So I just want to laugh at you for your misfortunes and say that even though you are using the most popularly used OS in the U.S., do you think that makes it the best. You would obviously see it is not if you used other OS's like Linux, Unix, Lindows, and Mac OS X. I would run these for reliability any day of the week. Personally I use Mac OS X version 10.2.2 and I LOOOOVE it. And you may say it doesn't have as many apps for it. I say to you, it has everything I need and more. I have Microsoft Office X so I can read Office documents from my professors. The most important thing is that Blizzard makes its games for Mac and so I'm good-to-go as far as most games go. Sorry about your computer though, that has to suck, I do know what it is like to have a non-working PC because the stupid computers in high school crashed and burned all the time. Very frustrating for all of us, especially when I had to go to all the computers and repair the hard drives after a virus infected them. But I still use Windows and I still think people should use whatever makes them fee comfortable. So I guess if that is what makes you happy then power to you. Plus most people are afraid to try something new, I have kept an open mind and unlike many Windows users I know, at least I know how to use more than one OS.