oh ya guys lol I found the file that the "Let's get some beer before we fight" phrase is from. Unfortunately, this file is written in javascript so I don't understand it....
I will post it up here if any of you guys do lol...
function YAM_SafeCheck() {
//var _lifethreshold = parseInt((me.hpmax * YAM_SafeHP) / 100);
//var _manathreshold = parseInt((me.mpmax * YAM_SafeMP) / 100);
if (YAM_CheckIfCursed()||DT_CheckBelt()||DT_CheckHeal()||_YAM_OutOfPots||(DT_CheckUnids() > 0)||
DT_CheckMerc()||_YAM_Town) { _YAM_GoToHealer = true; }
if (DT_CheckRepair(DT_RepairPercent)||DT_CheckAmmo()) { _YAM_GoToRepair = true; }
if (_YAM_GoToHealer || _YAM_GoToRepair) {
print("let's get another beer before the fight!
if (YAM_Debug) {
if (_YAM_OutOfPots) print("YAM_SafeCheck: We are Out-of-Pots!");
if (_YAM_Town) print("YAM_SafeCheck: LifeWatch says we need to tp to town!");
var _esc_from=me.area;
var _esc_act=me.act;
YAM_TownManager ();
if (me.act != _esc_act) {
DC_DoDel(2000); // Wait a while, hopefully to fix the
// tp not found problem when changing act