Unknown game version just means you don't have your key files set up right. Assuming you paid for 2 d2jsp keys (for the two cd keys you use) and not just one, there are two things you could do:
a (Less Recommended, but easier to set up). you could create 2 folders with 2 copies of everything, with one being for one bot and the other being for the other, and you could simply put the two different key files in the two different folders. You could set up each folder the way you wanted it, and simply use d2jsp instead of autod2jsp, since you can't have two autos running at the same time.
OR, do what I do, which I like more because it only uses autod2jsp. This is what most multibotting guides will tell you to do.
b. open both of your key files in notepad (turning off wordwrap), and you will see that they are both very long 1 lines. Take the line of text from your second d2jsp key file and copy it to a second line in your first d2jsp key. Now, you can simply hit the "add" button on your autod2jsp and make a second entry, and you can just run both bots from one autod2jsp.
Bots such as YAMB will automatically be set up differentiate the characters you are using and which configs to run. If you are NOT using YAMB, you need to have the two characters running a different bot; but you should just get YAMB, it is very multi-botting friendly.
Hopefully I didn't lose you.. try to find a multibotting guide either here or at blizzhackers.com that can take you through how to set it up if you didn't get my (crappy) instructions.