Warriors are one of the most difficult gold-saver classes, cuz they spend a lot more than ranged classes (like mages or locks) to repair their stuff.
1) Make good use of all your professions. Don't underexistimate fishing, especially at low / mid levels: if you fish a lot, you can find some well-tradable fishes like Oily Blackmouths or Firefin snappers, which have a good buyout price in Auction houses (they are needed by Alchemists). You can also fish at the Overlook cliffs (Hinterlands) to get some Stonescale Eel, also required by Alchemists. But that zone is lvl 45 and more, so its difficult you can be there before lvl 40.
2) Grinding for money is good in some places. Dustwallow Marsh and Scarlet Monastery are nice places to farm gold or items which can be traded for decent amounts of money.
3) Don't spend a lot to buy items to have the ubz0r gear at low / mid levels. It's just useless. You will need the gear at lvl 50+, but at that level you should have the mount and a nice amount of gold. Before lvl 40, save money all the way you can.
4) Use the Auction house a lot. If you're a good trader, you can make tons of gold using it.