My Greatest moment of was a game that should have lasted no longer than 5 minutes
5v3 compstomp
I started off by scv rushing one of my partners, who was zerg.
After a long struggle I defeated him and started building defense, but then the comp came after me and i was forced to lift off and go away. In the end I had made a good army and dropped it all right behind peoples defenses, lifting up, going to the nex,using nukes as well. By the time that army was defeated I had a Battlecruiser fleet to finish the comps and eliminate the remnants of these people.
The simple fact that I was still alive ten minutes in the game is beyond me,and that I was victorious is even more beyond me haha. It was my favorite replay for a long time, until my comp messed up and had to reformat
ChiefMike on USEAST