3rd Blizzard Title Confirmed - Elly [0:09

We sort of knew this was the case, but in a Gamasutra news article, Blizzard's Frank Pierce (vice president of product development) has confirmed that there is a third Blizzard development team who are working on a completely new game.
When pressed for details regarding the new project, Pearce was cagey. "Team 3 is working on something really awesome. I can’t give you any hints, but it’s totally awesome."
We're guessing Diablo III, which would make sense as Blizzard had already started the game development some time ago before Blizzard North was broken up. We know that development was scrapped following the departure of of the Diablo team from Blizzard to form Flagship Studios but we understand the Blizzard team started afresh. Will BlizzCon bring news of this new title? Here's hoping! Thanks to nobbie for the news tip.