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[color=sky blue]
StarForge 2[/color]
StarForge is a map editor built from scratch. Now in its second version, it can do many interesting things, including placing square terrain, protecting maps, placing half-built buildings, and units for the hyper players (players 9-255) with interesting effects such as doubling the fire rate. StarForge plans to be just as powerful as hex-editing the map yourself, without the need to be a Neo.
Keep in mind that this is an advanced editor. It's not recommended for beginners.
Download StarForge 2 from:
[Master Virus's Storage]
[color=sky blue]
SCMDraft 2[/color]
A very powerful map editor, programmed from scratch. Places both square and isometric terrain, with different sized brushes, a perfect tool for the professional terrainer. Places doodads (tiles and sprites), units (various modes), and edits fog of war and locations. For each of these features, the current build is at least equal to StarEdit in functionality.
SCMDraft 2 and StarForge essentially are designed for the same purpose, but are made by two different people. It is said that the terrain editing features in SCMDraft 2 are slightly better. However, try them both out, see what happens.
SCMDraft 2 is currently in development, but it promises to have a series of special features, such as changing player colours, protecting maps and even the ability to open protected maps. Basically it is designed to combine all the programs you use to make maps into a single program that does it all.
Download SCMDraft 2 from: