Mod Help wanted


BattleForums Addict
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
The Swiming Pools
Got Half-Life 2 and the Sdk? Have C++ and can do stuff with the source code? Or are you a leet graphics guy who has maya or something similier and could model and skin guns and game characters? if so read farther

Its a Total Conversion with a single player and some good multiplayer...

if you want some info on the mod right now browse over to
i know its not that good of a site but i want it to take off a little bit before i start handing out cash for a domain and stuff...

Ok so heres the deal.. Year is 2010 and WW3 has happened except there were no nuclear attacks... Basically it was the WW2 allies+Germany vs North Korea China and the Middle east. They managed to break our borders and bomb most of our cities there were even a few reports of missles hitting but not exploding... This was the Koreas secet weapon of the war. The missles where spreading a disease of undeath though the land. It would kill them and turn them into mindless zombies to attack the general people. You are a soldier returning the detroit after being deployed since early 2003 in the iraq confilict and WW3. Hoping to find you family and friends in good health. You find there homes but all hell breaks lose. This is the Outbreak. Can you survive?
I am looking for basically everything execpt mappers... so if you have some skills and are interested in joining contact me at
Aim or Yim:icedragon8806
Hope to get a team going!
I can do about anything once i get pointed in the right direction like coding if you give me a little example i can figure out the rest and stuff like that... I might be buying a teach yourself C++ in 21 days book. I know some but not enough so it might be helpful

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