to not get realm down, try changing your delay time to 180,000 or so (assuming you get realm down at 20 games/hr, that should work ok, if not 240000 will definitely work)
as for picking up gold, as far as i know its not possible
You cant make it not have "Realm Down" It will always have RD.. Unless you want to do 5 minute runs which is just bull.. Even then.. Your limited to a limited amount of games created..
really realm down is quite random unless of course your doing pindle only and running 30 second games. I even disabled sleep and i can run mine all day without realm down. All i did was change my creategame pause from 10000ms to 20000ms. I also went into my hammerdin sequence (3 guys to kill, to more the less likely rd) and at each intown precast i insreased the delay to 30000ms. So far ive done a hundred runs and no realm down!
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