yea i cant even get it to start it just runs diablo moves it to top left cornor then moves mouse to diablo II with fire in the start up menu then just closes and does the same thing any help? and how do i get 16 bit color or w/e
08/14 12:57:15 >
08/14 12:57:15 > ========================================
08/14 12:57:15 > mm.BOT.533 was launched for solo mode.
08/14 12:57:15 > ========================================
08/14 12:57:15 >
08/14 12:57:15 > Compilation by mmcl.Compiler.exe was not needed.
08/14 12:57:15 > Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 5167 statistics in pre-compiled database.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 202 XUniques items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 426 XRares items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 49 Sets items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 116 Grays items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcPreCast sequence is loaded: 10 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcGoToEldritch sequence is loaded: 13 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcAttack1Eldritch sequence is loaded: 7 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcAttack2Eldritch sequence is loaded: 8 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcEldritchPickit sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcEldritchGoToAnyaTP sequence is loaded: 21 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcGoToPindle sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcAttack1Pindle sequence is loaded: 8 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcAttack2Pindle sequence is loaded: 7 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcPindlePickit sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > 10 sequences have been loaded.
08/14 12:57:21 > Diablo II closed successfully.
08/14 12:57:25 > Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
08/14 12:57:25 > C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -direct -txt -title "Diablo II"
08/14 12:57:41 [E]> Failed to found the calibrate/offset point.
08/14 12:57:41 > Windows color mode/deft must be in 16 bit mode.
08/14 12:57:41 > Operating system must be Win2000 or highter.
08/14 12:57:46 > Exiting from D2 with normal escape keys sequence...
08/14 12:57:53 > Diablo II closed successfully.
08/14 12:57:15 >
08/14 12:57:15 > ========================================
08/14 12:57:15 > mm.BOT.533 was launched for solo mode.
08/14 12:57:15 > ========================================
08/14 12:57:15 >
08/14 12:57:15 > Compilation by mmcl.Compiler.exe was not needed.
08/14 12:57:15 > Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 5167 statistics in pre-compiled database.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 202 XUniques items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 426 XRares items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 49 Sets items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > PKID loaded 116 Grays items to pickup.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcPreCast sequence is loaded: 10 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcGoToEldritch sequence is loaded: 13 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcAttack1Eldritch sequence is loaded: 7 commands found.
08/14 12:57:17 > CLSorcAttack2Eldritch sequence is loaded: 8 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcEldritchPickit sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcEldritchGoToAnyaTP sequence is loaded: 21 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcGoToPindle sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcAttack1Pindle sequence is loaded: 8 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcAttack2Pindle sequence is loaded: 7 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > CLSorcPindlePickit sequence is loaded: 11 commands found.
08/14 12:57:18 > 10 sequences have been loaded.
08/14 12:57:21 > Diablo II closed successfully.
08/14 12:57:25 > Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
08/14 12:57:25 > C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -direct -txt -title "Diablo II"
08/14 12:57:41 [E]> Failed to found the calibrate/offset point.
08/14 12:57:41 > Windows color mode/deft must be in 16 bit mode.
08/14 12:57:41 > Operating system must be Win2000 or highter.
08/14 12:57:46 > Exiting from D2 with normal escape keys sequence...
08/14 12:57:53 > Diablo II closed successfully.