Before you even start the download start D2 and go in a game. Press the "ESC" button. Go to options. Go to video. Make sure your under 800x600 resolution. After this go to your desktop. Right click and go to properties. Go to settings go to color quality. Change it to 16bits.
Bot Here!
Step one: Download the MM.BOT.MOD.4.ZIP.
Step two: Extract it to your D2 folder.
Step three: When you have done this correctly you should have 3 folders in your D2 folder. (1) Save, (2) Support, and (3) Data. The folder data is the one you just installed. Its the one where you need to launch the whole BOT.
Step four: Download the MM.BOT.533.ZIP.
Step five: Extract the MM.BOT.533.ZIP to your desktop.
Step six: Go into the Configuration folder inside the bot folder. There should be three .ini files. Fill out the one where the bot needs your account info. Am not sure but this is the only file you even need to touch..
Step seven: This is the step where most people get ****ed up on..
-Have your mana shield hot key'd E. (PRE-CAST INTOWN)
-Have your frozen armor hot key'd R. (PRE-CAST INTOWN)
-Have your telekenisis hot key'd Q. (WP GRABBER,)
-Have your secondary attack hot key'd G. (Blizz, Meteo, Chain)
-Have your main attack hot key'd F. (Fireball, Icebolt, Chargebolts, Etc.)
**Important, you must hot key'd them all on the left side.**
So if your like a pally or whatevers, your mana shield is your holy shield. So hot key your holy shield E.
Am not sure this is accurate.. So let me know If I need to change anything.. I know theres already an official guide in the folder.. But most people arent looking at it.. and if they are I dont think its helping.. This bot is slow.. The slow-ness suppose to help with the realm down effect but I still get realm down..
Bot Here!
Step one: Download the MM.BOT.MOD.4.ZIP.
Step two: Extract it to your D2 folder.
Step three: When you have done this correctly you should have 3 folders in your D2 folder. (1) Save, (2) Support, and (3) Data. The folder data is the one you just installed. Its the one where you need to launch the whole BOT.
Step four: Download the MM.BOT.533.ZIP.
Step five: Extract the MM.BOT.533.ZIP to your desktop.
Step six: Go into the Configuration folder inside the bot folder. There should be three .ini files. Fill out the one where the bot needs your account info. Am not sure but this is the only file you even need to touch..
Step seven: This is the step where most people get ****ed up on..
-Have your mana shield hot key'd E. (PRE-CAST INTOWN)
-Have your frozen armor hot key'd R. (PRE-CAST INTOWN)
-Have your telekenisis hot key'd Q. (WP GRABBER,)
-Have your secondary attack hot key'd G. (Blizz, Meteo, Chain)
-Have your main attack hot key'd F. (Fireball, Icebolt, Chargebolts, Etc.)
**Important, you must hot key'd them all on the left side.**
So if your like a pally or whatevers, your mana shield is your holy shield. So hot key your holy shield E.
Am not sure this is accurate.. So let me know If I need to change anything.. I know theres already an official guide in the folder.. But most people arent looking at it.. and if they are I dont think its helping.. This bot is slow.. The slow-ness suppose to help with the realm down effect but I still get realm down..