Mm.BOT 5.25 : Multiple Monsters & Iding.


Sep 22, 2002
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2004.04.04 version 5.25
Added/integrated MozartMcLaus C++ MMPKID Compiler (hyper fast!)
Fixed a bug in DAMRED% (damage reduce) iding keyword.
Changed Pickit and items names mod : Pickit is now -alot- more fast.
Added a retry-focus for items names reading while pickit.
Changed Whole iding & stashing code for better & clean item managment.
Removed all options/docs relative to "1*1" item. Iding more simple & stable.
Removed D2_PickitRescans & D2_PickitMaxRetries options (deprecated).
Added the MFOC,IN and OUT commands in sequencing (Monster Focus)
Changed the identification counter; now include identified gambled items.
Added option to pause the bot using the PAUSE hotkey.
Fixed a quitgame() into quitgame() was possible cause of some problems.
Changed the Unstuck/quit from game/error combos & delays.
Added loop tolerance while taking Act5 Wp.
Added a second try if interact malah error happen.
Added a tool to test sequences for bot users with log: SequencesTester.exe!
Changed default launching settings. "No sound" now works properly.
Download site & features:

[size=large] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: [/size]

First: if you have a problem read the bot events log files, it can
provide very good information. Never ask for support without
giving minimal logs & infos, in the same way never ask if you
didnt read the manuals, Faq below, history, ini files, etc... ok? :wink:

Q: Your english is crap and some parts are really hard to understand !
A: Look into the \Documents folder, Capt manual translate many things
include this FAQ (but not lastest infos), it have a fast install and
sequences guide too.

Q: What are the features of your bot ?
- Eldritch, Shenk, Pindelskin runs are possible with all classes.
- Pickit and IDING trought the PKID.ini (Internal Pickit), gamble.
- Corpse recovery, merc resurrection, heal, potions, repair, stashing.
- Monsters detection, Relative to blocks moves giving pretty accuracy.
- All difficulties, Solo or Battle mode, multiple log files, and much options.

Q: Bot detectability ?
A: The less possible, nothing is guaranted anyway. Just know this is the
only bot yet with these features that is not hacking game memory.
This bot only got "eyes", mouse, and keyboard. Maybe a little brain.

Q: What should be the best character built ?
A: Actually the blizzard OR static/orb is a standard, but the 3 bosses runs
can provide better drops and undetectability, Since Eldritch and Shenk
are immune to cold and Enigma is really hard to get (Hammerdin with
enigma totally own Eldritch and Shenk but have some problems with
Pindle...) A nice first built should be the Chain Lightning sorce.

Q: What if the "RFM Method"?
A1: RFM method is a very well working method to understand and resolve
your problems once a manual exist. litterally it: "Read the Fvcking Manual".
Note: "Manual" refers to all documents (Faq, Notes, Ini, History...)

Q: Any way to get html logs ?
A1: Yes, provide this!
A2: note: included in package.

Q: I get error "filewriteline($logfile,@mon&"/"&@mday&"...." !
A: This error is typical; you didnt unzipped correcly the bot
folder, btw the "Logs" Folder do not exist and you get an error
when it try to writing them. Unzip the bot keeping the folder structure.

Q: When i launch the bot; it create a game, stay, and restart !
A1: First thats means you can use the bot on your computer.
A2: Check if you have installed the BOT.MOD !
A3: Start from act5 is needed.
A4: Read your Logs\Events_Bot.txt & all Documents...

Q: I have much errors: "Re-Click on the create game button" and never create !
A: This can happen with few diablo2 installs, i dont know from
where it come but a fix is possible. Go into and look
for the "Misc_ByPassCGMenuSum = No" option at the end of the
file. Change it to "Misc_ByPassCGMenuSum = Yes".

Q: Why i cant interact Malah properly ?
A: Check to see that you dont have any exterior programs running
which modify the game in the screen/font aspect. The MH is used by
HC Characters for chicken. you can use the special key send in
Advanced options of to send a ClearScreen control since
the text of MH in background disturb the bot. Remove the green wispers
from friends that disturb the bot. Increase your NPCDelay (

Q: My character stuck in wp, go in wrong places in town !
A1: This can be due to screen disturbs due to green wispers or
MH/Hack screen messages.
- Remove the hack that produce these messages OR use the clean screen
key option (
- Remove your friends green wispers.
A2: This can be due to specific run/walk speed Or Check End Of
Move delay that is too much low or too much high in mm.BOT.ini.
->Try to increase your speed using better boots/speed charms.
->Down your Char_CheckMoveDelay (advanced section of
to 100 and increase it by steps of 20 until your problem is resolved.
A3: Usually if you have a low computer/bad connection:
At the bottom of are 3 delays you should increase if you
accidently clicked on the wp or didnt hit the red portal etc...
Try with these and increase them if necessary:
D2_SlowIntMDelay = 2
;perhaps 3 or 4 if it doesn't work with 2
D2_FastIntMDelay = 2
;perhaps 3 or 4 if it doesn't work with 2
Char_CheckMoveDelay = 350
Note the about the clickdowndelay: try to increase it too.

Q: My Character fails to teleport/Walk to Pindle/Monsters !
A: (by Capt answer about his sequences)
its failing @ SEQx = BRC(xxx,xx)
which is in your teleport to pindleskin sequence.
the problem is that you either
1) This is a bad coordinate because you may be in the part of the
pindleskin area where there are no blocks.
2) your delays S(xx) , WEOT(xx) are not working correctly or don't have
enough time in them. you may need to redo the sequence/coordinates for your
computer. Even though we post sequences, they may not necessarily work (with
those coords ) on all comps.
you should follow my how-to on sequencing to help yourself... here's the
quick version:
1) start bot, let it put your d2 screen in top left, then hit <END> to stop
the bot . go in normal act V, kill all pindle and his minions.
2) open up the mmbot directory, go to TOOLS and run mmblocks.exe
3) this will give you the coordinates in the screen and RELATIVE to the blocks
4) trace your sequence and see if you get different coords or even if those
coords are possible
5) lastly, make sure your delays in between clicks and in the sequence
are long enough.

Q: The pickit doesnt work!
A1: Ensure you are completed the KEY for "Show Items" in mm.BOT.ini?
A2: Ensure you dont have any other Pickit Hack Running, eventually
rename the plugins folder to be sure have desactived them.
A3: Since the bot make moves to items and "really" take them with
mouse maybe your CheckMoveDelay or your MouseClickDown are
too low (Advanced section of mm.BOT.ini).

Q: The ScanDrop.txt log show items i didnt picked!
A1: the scandrop make 1 new scan at each pickup, so you can have
multiple lines of same item.

Q: My merc is not resurrected / Problem with merc !
A: merc life detection is based on the minipicture lifebar of the merc,
this can be altered by:
- option to show minipictures/screenies is not activated: activate it.
- using minions that change merc screenie place (btw make the minions
cast out of town instead in)

Q: What are these "??" characters in iding/pickit/scanning logs ?
A: "?" means unknow character, generally due to crash/violent knockback
while focusing item, but if you look your scan drop you will see it
make multiple re-scans, btw it surely read it correctly at the next scan.
If it happen in the trade it's due a to a crash (very very rare...)

Q: It doesnt drink potions!
A1: Ensure you are completed the required keys for All potions in
mm.BOT.ini. Leave default drink percents.
A2: Remove all potions, except rejuvenations ones from your belt.
A3: Since checken security options are activated by default you must have
at list the 2 last right columns of belt filled up.

Q: I have "Minimum SEQ1=EXIT" error!
A1: Make sur you have last version of the bot.
A2: Check if all SEQx numbers are 1,2,3..etc..ordered.
A3: Check if sequences names in MAIN match with with
these that are in "[" and "]".
A4: if you copy past sequence you like dont forget to remove
all comments; leave the pure code only.
A5: Use the SequencesTester in \tools

Q: How can i set maximum values for items stats, since i make PVP low level ?
Minimum , no problem...
Maximum leech is not really implemented... lol
-> But you can say:
"Ring" = "2% Life stolen" | "3% Life stolen"
And you got it. by giving exact string and not a keyword.
-> You can also combinate pure string and keyword :
"Ring" = "2% Life stolen" & "AR+30" | "3% Life stolen" & "AR+30"
If you are sure level 9 can have a max of 3 %...
-> If 4 % is possible for level 9 you will have to add "4% Life stolen" & "AR+30"
I added a file from Phatman that select much level 9 items (he made hudge work.)
NOTE: the PhatMan pvp level 9 ini file is included in package. Rename and copy it.


Sep 22, 2002
Reaction score
Q: Where i can find a good sequence for my special character ?
A1: Sequences examples are referenced in \Documents
A2: Share your sequences. Dont forget to comment them alot,
since it's in helping purposes. Use the Sequencestester tool.

Q: How can i optimise the bot to run more fast ?
A: you can optimize it ALOT trought delays in advanced options in
(that are fully explained) + optimizing your sequence. You can also edit your
mm.PKID.ini setting to avoid the pickit and iding of some rares items . A nice
trick is to pickup rares armors for example, but to set them as "sold", by
the way you will get fast money for the gamble.
About the delays the CheckMoveDelay of is certainly the
most important in default settings. it can be down easily to 80-100 ms.

Q: How does your Pickit/Iding works ? where is the pickit.ini ?
A: The PKID.ini is a common file to the PicKit and the IDing, thats a change
since we usually had 2 files (and we didnt need that)
-> if you want only PICKUP ELITES RARES SWORDS 2H:
From the PKID.ini:
; > "Elite" or "Normal" or "Exceptional" if you need to specify item class.
; > "1h" or "2h" if you want only 1 hand or 2 hands weapons.
Example (in the Xrares section) :
"Swords" = "Elite" & "2h" & "ED%300" | "Elite" & "2h" & "ED%250" & "Speed"
-> with this one you will only pickup Elite 2h swords AND check if they have 300% ED
-> after the "|" same thing but only 250% ed accepted, on the other hand, "speed"
word is required in the item description.
But if you do that:
"Swords" = "ED%300"
-> All swords will be picked and only > 300% ED will be stashed.
Basicly the Compilator will make 2 things:
1 register all stats for all items in a database (iding...)
2 from this database CREATE a list of items that will need to be picked up...
You dont need a pickit... It create his pickit list himself...
(this generated pickit is in Config\System\mm.PKID.Usr.PK )
Note: for direct stashing you have the "Stash" word.

Q: What is the WEOT command and how it's works?
A: Command: WEOT(TimeOut)
- "Wait End Of the Teleport" command: Used just after a teleport click; will wait
until the screen has changed and continue, basicly it detect very fast when the
teleport is finished and continue.. Thats avoid you to specify a delay for teleport
(that varies from cast rate...)
- "(TimeOut)": it's the default delay gived if the WEOT didnt detected your teleport.
Set it to 1800 by default for sorces (maybe 1000 if you have a fast cast rate sorce).

Q: The bot doesn't start D2 or the "Please insert LOD CD" message comes up ?
A: Credit for this Tip goes to "Q" :
Create a renamed copy of "diablo II.exe" into "D2.exe"
Create a D2.bat batch containing these lines:
D2.exe -direct -w -ns
Copy this batch into your Diablo folder...
Of course you change the path according to your settings.
Now edit the MM Bot settings:
D2_Path = C:\Program Files\Diablo II
D2_Executable = D2.bat
D2_CmdParameters =
D2_WName = Diablo II
Of course you change the path according to your settings.
Start the mmbot from the COMMAND Line (if problems)

Q: What is the PTPT command and how it's works ?
A: It's possible, essentially when you got Enigma, but a jumper barb
can do it too, to make the 3 bosses in 1 run: Eldritch, Shenk, and Pindle.
Once Eld and Shenk done, go back to the WP, click to Arrogath, and
give a little delay (ie: 1500) once it's done: insert the PTPT command.
Next sequence can be considered starting from pindle TP.

Q: What is the Monster Focus command and how it's works ?
A: When this command is used the cursor is moved on a monster. This
command also include the click that will be done on the focused monster.
First you have the choice for 2 monsters focus; Inside or Outside
like the monsters detection if monsters are in an area (Pindle & minions)
or outside (Zombies & Eldritch area).
Syntax will be <CLICK>(MFOC,<IN> or <OUT>). The <CLICK> can be LC, RC, LCD
or RCD. Example LC(MFOC,IN) will be used to make Left Click against pindle
or pindle minions.


Global objective of merc:

- Merc must have resists and life to tank and protect you.
- Merc must do nices damages to undeads to kill immune pindle.
- Merc must have aura to slow pindle and protect you.

Global qualities for a merc:

- Reduce physical damages.
- Freeze aura, slow, or decrepify.
- Life Leech.
- % physical Damage to undead.
- Global % physical damages.
- Increase attack speed.
- Cannot be frozen (good one)
- Hit Recovery.
- High Defense.

About the weapon speed you can get the good breakpoint here:

1. The freeze merc is easy and cheap, btw it should be the best merc
for most of people. The unique thresher & decrepify make it the best
protector (with IAS stuff only) . Nice & cheap for HC certainly.
The unique Cryptic Axe ethereal + 3* ELD give insane damages to
undeads !

2. The Doom merc might or defiance is not cheap, since it need doom,
damages are highter than freeze one, of course it have not the benefit
of decrepify but defiance merc can help if you already have a decent
defense. Very good for Blizzard sorce certainly. Doom give the best
damages of all weapons and instant aura freeze !

3.Others built, require special stuff, can be as good than 1 & 2.

1/ standard act 2 freeze merc

- This one is the most polyvalent & cheap.
- Go buy this merc in nightmare mode, get the defensive one.
- Level him to a correct level (near yours, not too low)

a. Standard cheap equipment:

- Helm is the unique "crown of thieves" giving nice def and life leech. Of
Course others like a gaz is possible, keep in mind that leech & reduce are
- Armor is shaftstop, but if you dont have one try all others. Duriel
cuirass is a very nice one due to "cannot be frozen" and some bonus.

-> Unique "Hone Sundan" Yari with multiple ELD runes (75% damages undeads)
give nice result.
-> Keplie Snare (unique exceptional spear) is also a very nice weapon since
it have 75% slow and some nice bonus. The ethereal one is certainly the best
for leveling a week young merc...
-> Any other spear or polearm, with leech, because it's clear you NEED life
leech for your merc or you will pay much for resurrect him.

b. Standard equipment:

- vampire gaz
- shaftstop
- bonehew unique polearm with 2 * ELD.
- Reaper Troll Thresher; decrepify is excellent (slow & lowering monsters
damages, cut their physical resistance by -50% !)

c. Advanced equipment:

- ethereal vampire gaz to elite form socketed with 40-50% ed undead
jewel or simple ED/IAS jewel...

- Upgraded Grand Crown 12% LLech...

- ethereal shaftstop upgraded to elite form socketed with 40-50% ed
undead jewel or simple ED/IAS jewel...

-Upgraded Duriel Shell unique cuirrass is good too in this way but
you will need nice reduce for the gaz (ber?)

Note1: actually upgrade of ethereal Armors is bugged, so you will not
get the full benefit of ethereal defense.
Note2: Note that "cannot be frozen" hability is VERY important...

--> High Weapons (Ethereal polearms):

-Ethereal Tomb Reaver (unique Cryptic Axe) that you can socket with 3
ELD can give VERY hight damages to undead. It's the best unique for
Pindle runs.

-Ethereal Reaper Troll Thresher, the decrepify + freeze + monsters
damages reduced by 50 make it near the best weapon, or in anyway
the safest, since it slow down and reduce monsters damages by 50 % !
Should be used with IAS stuff.

Note1; Tomb Reaver give nice MF and resists.
Note2; The unique Kraken Shell Leviathan give nice armor too...
Note3; Ias stuff (shael, jewels) should be nice with the Thresher.
1 breakpoint is reached with a shael, second using shael + 2 * 15 ias jewels.

2/ The DOOM act2 [might] OR [defiance] merc :

- You must have doom runeword in ethereal polearm to use this merc.
- Nightmare mode Offensive one for Might.
- Hell mode Defensive one for Defiance.

Might. vs Defiance. ?
Might will make your merc does more damages.
Defiance will give you very high defense. (HC ?)

- Level him to a correct level (near yours, not too low)..


Simply the way of built than the freeze merc, but with of course DOOM
runeword in an ethereal polearm.
The freeze aura due to DOOM is alway active and will freen instantly
Pindle. -(40-60)% To Enemy Cold Resistance will boost the kills.
With might this merc will be the best, especially against no-undeads

3/ Others built & tricks related:
Usually these are reserved for people already got high stuff/runs/normal SC...
Or also need specific stuff:

- Act2 Merc with ETH Breath Of the Dying Ghost Spear (might or freeze..).
- Act5 Merc with Unique Azurwrath Phase Blade, the Aura knockback undeads!
- Act5 Merc with the Unique Vile Tulsk ethereal upgraded sword. (~700% ED to undeads!)

Conclusion, Best merc should* be:

- Good DOOM Weapon
- Might Aura
- Good Unique Kraken Shell with CHAM
- Good upgraded GAZ with Rare %ED & Resists Jewel or Maybe Shael.

Note: keep in mind: "cannot be frozen" is VERY important.

* i said should and not will :)

And Happy botting !

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