Here you go.
Zero.dll v4.0.1
Quick Reference
F6 - Autocancel all morphs.
F7 - Toggle lag defender.
F8 - Quick drop of lagging player.
F9 - Use revolver depending on revolver mode.
TAB - Enable host hack.
Insert - Toggle maphack between states.
Delete - Toggle multicommand on and off (default is on).
/spam [text] - Spam text you input down the screen.
/color - Toggle color support. 1-8 for colors.
/loop - Use loophack (not recommended).
/kill - Kill selected units (make sure multicommand is OFF!).
/revolver - Changes revolver mode (sound/unit action).
/s [number] - Spawns the appropriate unit from a larva for free.
Under the Hood
- Start a game without any opponents.
- Stay in game even after being defeated.
- Full support for chat colors.
- Show map download status at all times.
- Proper GetKeyState API hook for increased compatibility.
- Two-state revolver engine
- Three-state maphack
A Guide to the Two-State Revolver
The two-state revolver is an excellent resource for testing new unit commands or browsing the long list of Starcraft's internal sounds. You can change the mode for the revolver by typing "/revolver" in the chat prompt.
Once you have chosen a mode, you can press F9 to use the revolver. Command and sound identification numbers are displayed in a DWORD on the screen.
A Guide to the Spawn Hack 1.13e
Thought insane dominance with Zerg was over? Wrong. This hack allows you to construct any Zerg unit for free, in some cases actually providing you with minerals. You can cancel these free builds to generate minerals and gas for yourself using the built-in cancel all feature.
To spawn into a particular unit, select a larva and type "/s #". The unit's numbers are listed below:
1 - Drone
2 - Zergling
3 - Overlord
4 - Hydralisk
5 - Mutalisk
6 - Scourge
7 - Queen
8 - Ultralisk
9 - Defiler
Users be advised that you must have the appropriate technology tree to build these units, or you will crash yourself attempting to morph them. Also be advised that exceeding your supply limit also generates a crash.
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