ok ok ok... i'v read many mf info pages and forum and i'v found how mf affects mf findings...
reading from diabloii.net says...
*all item class- colossus blades, shakos, monarch shields, etc. - are generated when a game is made.
: : : : : : : this means that when u make a pindle game or meph run... the CLASS of items that he'll drop are predetermined.
*when an enemy containing a certain weapon - i.e. colossus sword - a formula calculates the TYPE of that CLASS of weapon as it drops.
*mf affects the chances of that particular item becoming normal, magical, rare, and unique.
well that's what i got off sites such as diabloii.net and i trust their figures and formulas... legit. so don't worry if you didn't finda WF yet.. just b patient... maybe someday the game will generate a Hydra bow in pindle and your mf will make it a unique instead of rare!