Official Forum Hamster
Ok when im keyhunting i wear the following gear
1 or 2 sojs if 1 soj then bk or 30 nagels
Shako with ptopaz
39 fcr Spirit(i think its 39)
War travs(35)
And on W
31 hoto and lidless shield
My merc is a2 nm combat holding obedience
Tal's armor with ptopaz and
Andy's helm
When i do summoner i have a whole bunch of 7mfsc's and a couple life gc's and life lc's and sc's i only have 3 spaces in my inv lets leave it at that>< and resist charms. :hxc
When i countess i take out some mf charms and usually i get a nice pul-vex and a key if im really lucky NOTE this is non ladder><Oh btw i did this and found a +3 to ele druid skills does nebody want? if so offer.:-/
1 or 2 sojs if 1 soj then bk or 30 nagels
Shako with ptopaz
39 fcr Spirit(i think its 39)
War travs(35)
And on W
31 hoto and lidless shield
My merc is a2 nm combat holding obedience
Tal's armor with ptopaz and
Andy's helm
When i do summoner i have a whole bunch of 7mfsc's and a couple life gc's and life lc's and sc's i only have 3 spaces in my inv lets leave it at that>< and resist charms. :hxc
When i countess i take out some mf charms and usually i get a nice pul-vex and a key if im really lucky NOTE this is non ladder><Oh btw i did this and found a +3 to ele druid skills does nebody want? if so offer.:-/