...mewgood.com = infected?! since when!? ive used that site for over 2 years now...havnt used it recently...but yeah...its even in the stickies i believe!
ne ways the best way to get a game without paying would be to dl the no cd crack, get all the files (have a friend send them if u have to) and well, yeah, there u go...
BUT...then u have to get a valid CD key:
if a friend has a spare key, use it...
or steal one from some noob (evil but it works, go on dII, go into channels, spam the oldschool "Account check /w *your account name* Your cd key and in seconds you will learn what rank you are on diabloII" some noob will fall for it, thats normally bad to get noobs, but in this case it dont matter, ur takin there key, not the acc, and alot of noobs that will fall for it will never get on...so there u go. key taken.
or go buy the game, open the box all neat like (to glue it back together w/o anyone knowing) and return it.