The MGS3 Demo Is Coming
Subscriber copies of the November issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine will start being shipped by next week. Some of you should be getting your hands on the playable MGS3 demo before the end of the week. The issue will hit newsstands on October 5th. To answer anticipated questions; 1) yes, it's just like the last demo in that it's sort of like the prologue to the game BUT 2) it's not the same as how this section will appear in the final game, because you get tons of weapons thrown in so you can have some fun. 3) The demo does time out, but it doesn't if you leave it on the "time paradox" screen when you die. Pause it and it eventually goes back to our disc browser, but get whacked and it'll stay in the game. 4) It doesn't really pack any spoilers in, so it's just like the MGS2 demo that way.
For some reason i got it on October 2nd.