The story so far...
The world of Aul'ran is in turmoil. The kingdoms of the land fight a massive war that has raged for decades. Due to massive losses on all sides, their forces are now mainly mercenary armies.
...the story begins.
Ian sat in the mercenary office nursing a tankard of ale. The captain started to walk over, and he sat up. Maybe he'd have an assignment. "I've got an assignment for you, Ian. Get together a team of four or five. That's all you'll need. You're going to Tez'alki on an infiltration mission."
Great. Infiltration. Why couldn't it be a command operation? I hate these things. He finished off his ale, stood up, and looked around the room. Who among the gathered mercenaries would be best for the job? None of them, he concluded. He'd have to get outside help. So he sat back down, waiting for someone new to walk in.
The world of Aul'ran is in turmoil. The kingdoms of the land fight a massive war that has raged for decades. Due to massive losses on all sides, their forces are now mainly mercenary armies.
...the story begins.
Ian sat in the mercenary office nursing a tankard of ale. The captain started to walk over, and he sat up. Maybe he'd have an assignment. "I've got an assignment for you, Ian. Get together a team of four or five. That's all you'll need. You're going to Tez'alki on an infiltration mission."
Great. Infiltration. Why couldn't it be a command operation? I hate these things. He finished off his ale, stood up, and looked around the room. Who among the gathered mercenaries would be best for the job? None of them, he concluded. He'd have to get outside help. So he sat back down, waiting for someone new to walk in.