Man MSD kicks ass. Today I just jacked some guys 08 windforce. Although I had to give him gladiators bane in the process because he wanted collateral or something to assure i wont jack his items.....
its easy you tell them that you can dupe and you show them a bunch of meph stones.. then you tell them it took you a while to dupe all of them (tell them like an hour and only show them like 3-4) tell them you need something worth your time to dupe for them.... hope for the best and hope the give you something worth more than a 32020.... (i play on useast thats currency here)
Well basically you tell people you can dupe. They ask for proof and so you dupe Mephisto's Soulstones. THey get excited when they see this and so they think you can dupe. They give some stuff to dupe. Hopefully, they give you good stuff and you just ran away from them.
It helps to have a godly gear because, why the hell can you dupe with a freaking buria and Griz's armor on.
i type load. msd and my computer freezes and i get connection interupted sign or it just says unable to load msd...wuts wrong...does it matter if i already used the soul stone?
good for you. Next time do not post this. Its not really neseccary (i know i cant spell ) is spam. Anyway i wouldnt use it blizzard can detect it and ban your account. Because they agree with NO duping. Don't ask me its there way
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