that's pretty simple, fortunate for you. first, you have a location follow your duder done like this:
players: you
conditions: always
actions: Move location: center location (1x1 location with no other use) on unit (duder) at location (anywhere/wheverever ur guy goes.
actions: preserve trigger.
I also suggest to do a little wait 500 miliseconds, make location follow, wait 500 miliseconds, follow, wait, follow, wait, preserve trigger, so that way ur guys have a much less chance of getting lucky and touching a guy and getting off em before the location follows him. anyways, you would then have it so any (specific, if needed) unit owned by the player that you dont want to be touching enters that location following your guy, the guy dies. since if the enemy enters the location of a location following the guy, the guy is obviously touching the enemy, eh?
players: whatever player the baddy is
conditions: bring: current player/player8/whatever brings atleast 1 (unit that kills main guy if main guy toiuches it) to (1x1 location following guy.)
actions: kill all any unit owned by (bounder) at location (1x1 location folling guy.
actions: preserve trigger.
you wouldn't need a wait thing here to make it go off 4x as fast since when they die they die, eh? anyways..
you have a location follow the guy and if an enemy enters it you kill the guy.
also, if by "hitting a wall" you mean "attacking the wall," have it so that it kills the wall in 1 hit and if you kill atleast 1 wall at the location where the boomie walls are that you die. just have it so when it kills the guy you can regenerate the wall at the same time.
hope I helped!