Although the thread is closed (apparently for the reference to unprotecting), it may be helpful for others to not be misinformed from the information therein on copyrights. Also, I will propose that the topic may be of interest to many map makers who are interested in infromation on protecting their work. I think it is appropirate for the forum, but feel free to cut it if you disagree.
I'm an intellectual property attorney, which includes patents, copyrights and trademarks. The truth is, as soon as you create you map, you have a common law copyright in that map (the legal term is when something becomes "fixed in a tangible medium of expression.") You can and should include a copyright notice (a circle "C" or "(C)" followed by the year and ofte the statement "all rights reserved" to ensure there is no implied license) to place others on notice if you intend to enforce or protect your copyright.
One right that you own when you create a map is the right to create "derivative works." This would inlcude map modifications or the like. Thus, legally, you could attempt to enforce your copyright against another who takes your map having a proper copyright notice and makes a modification without permission. Statutory damages are $10,000 or more per each copy. Practically speaking, however, I doubt you could realistically enforce such a right since it would likely be cost prohibitive and there may be some signifcnat "fair use" hurdles to overcome. Expect most attorneys to talk in the tens of thousands of dollars just to look into it and the hundreds of thousands if you want to file suit.
In most instances, prior to enforcing a copyright, it should be "registered" with the Copyright office. The fee is nomial, on the order of $50 or so. It should be clear, however, that this is merely "registering" the right you already have and does not "create" the right itself. While not technically necessary, it does procure some procedural advanatges in enforcement.
I don't think map mapping copyright has anything to do with the Blizzard WE license. They are limiting your license to prevent you reverse engineering their software or maps. Interestingly, this is likely founded in copyright law itself, wherein Blizzard was generous enough to give us excellent tools to create maps, but is of course interested in limiting the use to map making and being able to prevent others from modifyig the software and then selling it. I haven't read the entire license agreement (does anybody?), but I doubt Blizzard intends to try and take ownerhsip of maos made using its software. That would be like Microsoft trying to say they own your novel just because you used Word to write it.
That's the basics; I'm far from an expert since I practice mostly patent law, but you can read more at The "copyright basics" link and FAQ basically affirm the above.
I'm an intellectual property attorney, which includes patents, copyrights and trademarks. The truth is, as soon as you create you map, you have a common law copyright in that map (the legal term is when something becomes "fixed in a tangible medium of expression.") You can and should include a copyright notice (a circle "C" or "(C)" followed by the year and ofte the statement "all rights reserved" to ensure there is no implied license) to place others on notice if you intend to enforce or protect your copyright.
One right that you own when you create a map is the right to create "derivative works." This would inlcude map modifications or the like. Thus, legally, you could attempt to enforce your copyright against another who takes your map having a proper copyright notice and makes a modification without permission. Statutory damages are $10,000 or more per each copy. Practically speaking, however, I doubt you could realistically enforce such a right since it would likely be cost prohibitive and there may be some signifcnat "fair use" hurdles to overcome. Expect most attorneys to talk in the tens of thousands of dollars just to look into it and the hundreds of thousands if you want to file suit.
In most instances, prior to enforcing a copyright, it should be "registered" with the Copyright office. The fee is nomial, on the order of $50 or so. It should be clear, however, that this is merely "registering" the right you already have and does not "create" the right itself. While not technically necessary, it does procure some procedural advanatges in enforcement.
I don't think map mapping copyright has anything to do with the Blizzard WE license. They are limiting your license to prevent you reverse engineering their software or maps. Interestingly, this is likely founded in copyright law itself, wherein Blizzard was generous enough to give us excellent tools to create maps, but is of course interested in limiting the use to map making and being able to prevent others from modifyig the software and then selling it. I haven't read the entire license agreement (does anybody?), but I doubt Blizzard intends to try and take ownerhsip of maos made using its software. That would be like Microsoft trying to say they own your novel just because you used Word to write it.
That's the basics; I'm far from an expert since I practice mostly patent law, but you can read more at The "copyright basics" link and FAQ basically affirm the above.