CustomMaps.Org Map Making Tournament
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1) You may use any program available that includes, but does not limit, StarForge, SCEP, SCX-Tra, ISOM, Map Colors, SCM ToolKit, SCM Draft, GUEdit. Use these programs at your own risk though, corrupted maps are not the judges problem.
2) You must post your map in designated thread at or before the designated end time.
3) You must do all the triggers and terrain during the allotted time, that means no importing trigs or copy terrain over from another map or using a premade map. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be permentaly banned from any further map making tournaments.
4) You must turn in your own map.
5) You must have enough slots for all the judges to play at once at least ( you can always have more though ).
The judges are looking for creativity in maps, this means that the judges aren't looking for t3h 1337est bound, defence, blood, matrix, insert commom map name here, that can be made in the designated time. The judges discourage making these current maps, but you can if you want, but you will probably not recieve high marks unless there is some really good twist in the maps that drastically changes the idea behind the map.
Time: Sunday Nov. 2nd, 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time to 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Place: Clan CM ( US East server ) It is not mandatory to be there but there will be a CM.Org members keeping track of the time there.
Judges: 4, The judges are still to be announced.
Place To Post Maps: Will be made day of tourney.
Please sign up on the forums and post in this thread if you are interested in the tourney so we have some idea of how many people are going to be in the tourney. Thanks for your time, hope to see you there!
hosted by
1) You may use any program available that includes, but does not limit, StarForge, SCEP, SCX-Tra, ISOM, Map Colors, SCM ToolKit, SCM Draft, GUEdit. Use these programs at your own risk though, corrupted maps are not the judges problem.
2) You must post your map in designated thread at or before the designated end time.
3) You must do all the triggers and terrain during the allotted time, that means no importing trigs or copy terrain over from another map or using a premade map. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be permentaly banned from any further map making tournaments.
4) You must turn in your own map.
5) You must have enough slots for all the judges to play at once at least ( you can always have more though ).
The judges are looking for creativity in maps, this means that the judges aren't looking for t3h 1337est bound, defence, blood, matrix, insert commom map name here, that can be made in the designated time. The judges discourage making these current maps, but you can if you want, but you will probably not recieve high marks unless there is some really good twist in the maps that drastically changes the idea behind the map.
Time: Sunday Nov. 2nd, 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time to 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Place: Clan CM ( US East server ) It is not mandatory to be there but there will be a CM.Org members keeping track of the time there.
Judges: 4, The judges are still to be announced.
Place To Post Maps: Will be made day of tourney.
Please sign up on the forums and post in this thread if you are interested in the tourney so we have some idea of how many people are going to be in the tourney. Thanks for your time, hope to see you there!