Map Making FAQ - Links, Downloads, helpful hints, etc - BackUp

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May 18, 2003
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My house
This thread was created to help and guide map makers. Please PM us with your skills.

The one and only thread with all your answers to stupid questions!


switch 1 is cleared
center location on unit
set switch 1

switch 1 is set
wait 0
clear switch 1
preserve trig


always (change this to whatever is necessary)
disable doodad state for :UNIT: at location :#:

Only some units/buildings can be cloaked, some say "disabled" when you disable them.


-disable doodad state for :UNIT: at :LOCATION:
-create 1 :detector: for :pLAYER: at :LOCATION:
-wait 500 millieseconds
-remove 1 :DETECTOR: for :pLAYER: at :LOCATION:

The unit should be a computer unit and you should not be shared vision with it. The detector should be yours.


p12 brings 1 dark swarm (or other spell) to anywhere
center location on [spell]
create 1 [unit] at spell
remove 1 dark swarm for p12


Double click on the location and un-check:
left side for ground units
right side is for air units

un-check both to make a "re-check" location.


Switches are like a light switch, they can be on, or off (set or cleared) they act as a checking system, they can also be randomized by the computer. Switches always start cleared in maps.


SCEP: Allows placement of buildings anywhere, allows placement of all units for all players, allows use of some hidden ai scripts.

X-tra: Allows use of 5 modes, classic, alternative, base, special, p12. No need to explain.

Arsenal II-III: Complicated map creator that allows you to customize units, don't bother it's only for use by complex map makers.

SCM Toolkit: Allows you to customize script colors, all player settings, stack units, or just move units, and protect maps.

GUedit: Allows customization of maps in many areas, requires java to run correctly.

SCM Draft (beta and alpha) complete freedom of map making! you can do anything in this including making tiles rectangle or square with the click of a button. Use is un-common because it is very hard to use well and you can't save maps you start on scm draft.

ISOM: allows users to create rectangles instead of normal tiles on their maps. Hard to use.


Junkyard Dog: units at this location randomly move anywhere they can go.
Enter Bunker: units at this location will try to enter the nearest bunker in the location.
Area Town: makes this area mine using all mining units it can, but it will not make any units.
Cast Disruption web: must have a corsair nearby, the rest is obvious.
Cast Recall: must have an arbiter somewhere ont he map, the rest is obvious.
Harass loction, the computer player will try to attack this whenever it can.
Drop nuke: the comptuer will try to drop a nuke here, if there is a ghost nearby and the comptuer has already created a nuke.


The use of never is like this:

show comment: UNITS:

then when you look at the list of triggers:

STUFF: <-this uses never
UNITS: <-this uses never
unit check 1
unit create 1
unit check 2
unit create 2

that way the compute rdoesn't waste time reading those triggers.


Using guedit you have to import terrain into your map, then it will open a map editing file that allows you to place the cool purple terrain stuff.

This is my way of placing BLACK terrain:
1. encrypt your map using scm toolkit
2. open the map in scm draft all the terrain should be gone
3. create a trigger in the map, and resave it
4. open the map, and if you do it right there will be black stuff galore! and flying units!


When using scm draft you might run into what i call "Weird terrain". This is terrain that you don't find in the terrain list, you can't normally use it, and it only comes in rectangles.

To get weird terrain, first try SCM Draft, look for terrain that is diFfEreNt if you don't find it here, take a map, create all the terrain in installation mode. Then using SCM Toolkit, convert it into jungle. If you do it right, the map will haev weird colored water on it. and weird dirt.


On some maps you may have seen colors the Fade this is done using hte following combinations of colors, these will sometimes work, if used correctly.

invisible - grey - white - grey - invisible
invisible - light green - green - light green - invisible
invisible - green - blue - green - invisible

Experiment with these, another common thing that people will do is this:

The text looks like this:


now you put a wait for 150 secs or something, and then move the // to the right so it looks like this:


as you move the "//" to the right, you move the GREEN-LIGHT GREEN-WHITE-LIGHT GREEN-GREEN toward sthe right also, and it makes a cool fading wave effect.


Read about making square terrain, there is in some tilesets a little square of creep you can add.


To make square terrain, you will need a working copy of GUEdit, and a map that was previously saved. (once edited for square terrain it will not be re-openable in normal editors or the squares will dissapear)

1. Run GUEdit
2. Load your map
3. Hit Edit Terrain
4. Wait for it to load
5. Once loaded 2 windows will open
6. In one window, click the square you want on your map, and switch to the other window, then click on the map
7. Once finished close both windows.
8. click Export Terrain and save
9. Exit GUEdit, do not re-open in any editors


Ever seen explosives in a map? Need to know what unit to kill for each color? Here is the list i've made:

Red - Dark archon
Blue - Archon
Flame blue - zealot/probe
Explosion - terrain air units/tank firebat
Hallucination - High templar
"Poof" that stays - dragoon
Blood - zergling
Large blood - hydra
Bigggg blood - ultralisk
Air blood - zerg air units

redid cloaking of units
added weird terrain
added fading colors
added square terrain
remove creep and re-added it as CREEP
added explosives
redid cloaking of units again

Stack minerals
Requires ScmDraft
Go to "Place Mode" under the "Unit Placing" tab.
Click on overlapping
Find the word mineral field 1,2, or 3 under the word resource at the bottom left

Faster Game aka HYPER TRIGGER
-one player(computer or an alive human) or a force or all players
-wait 0 millieseconds
-wait 0 millieseconds
-wait 0 millieseconds
-wait 0 millieseconds
-wait 0 millieseconds
-wait 0 millieseconds(you can have more but the trigger must has atleast 6 of these)
preserve trigger

Now you must copy this trigger atleast 2 more times. After doing these triggers, the player(whatever you put under) must not have any other triggers that has a wait action. [Example: player 1 has hyper trigger, now player 1 must not have any other wait triggers.]
These triggers will make the game go ultra fast and eliminate the 1 second wait for preserve trigger. [Example: In mass maps, when you get a unit, you get a unit every second. That's done by: create marine, preserve trigger. Well the hyper trigger will eliminate that 1 second wait.]


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My house
DUH! THREAD PART 2: (Duh!, continued)


Here is a quick overview of how to place "Doodads" anywhere on the map (and on any terrain)

1. Create the terrain the way you want it in the end (for e.g., two high grounds spread apart, you are trying to make a bridge to connect them)
2. Now, redo the terrain until there is water enough so you can place the doodad (do this new terrain right over hte old)
3. Now, move the doodad until its completely green over the new terrain.
4. Click CTRL+Z until the terrain is back the way you wanted it before, if you did this all right the doodad should still be green.
5. Click once to "place" the doodad, itw ill not appear on the map.
6. Hit CTRL+Z, then CTRL+Y and TADA! your doodad has appeared.



Adding colors w/ GUEdit isn't ahrd at all, here is a list of the colors that GUEdit allows the use of.

00 - red
01 - blue
02 - teal
03 - purple
04 - orange
05 - brown
06 - white
07 - yellow
08 - green
09 - pale yellow
10 - tan
11 - aqua(neutral color)
12 - pale green
13 - blueish gray
14 - pale yellow(same as 09)
15 - cyan
16 - neon blue w/ grey areas
17 - black
18 - neon blue
19 - neon blue w/ orange areas
20 - mixture of black,white,blue
21 - lavender
22 - black
23 - mixture of white and blue
24 - neon blue w/ black
25 - blue w/ lavender
26 - mixture of white,blue,lavender
27 - purple w/ blue
28 - black w/ blue
29 - blue w/ violet
30 - skyblue
31 - black w/blue
32 - neon blue w/ skyblue
33 - purple w/ violet
34 - black
35 - blue w/ lavender
36 - yellow orange w/ neon blue
37 - neon blue
38 - black and some other color
39 - neon blue and some other color
40 - neon blue w/ black and something else
41 - black w/ blue spots
42 - green w/ skyblue
43 - blue w/ white
44 - blue and some other color
45 - teal,purple,blue
46 - lavender w/ grey
47 - neon blue w/ black
48 - blue w/ black
49 - blue w/ dark blue
50 - blue and something unknown
51 - blue w/ black
52 - blue w/ white
53 - blue w/ black
54 - blue w/ sky blue
55 - blue w/ black
56 - white w/ black
57 - blue w/ black
58 - flesh w/ yellow orange
59 - flesh w/ lavender
60 - funky colors (trust me on this one)
61 - black
62 - black
63 - black
64 - black
65 - black
66 - black
67 - black
68 - funky colors (again)
69 - blue w/ light shade of brown
70 - blue w/ black
71 - blue,black,red
72 - black
73 - black
74 - neon pink w/ blue
75 - dark blue w/ black
76 - skyblue w/ neon blue
77 - neon blue
78 - blue w/ black
79 - blue w/ tan
80 - weird color (sorry,don't know what this is)
81 - black
82 - pink w/ lavender
83 - black w/ skyblue
84 - black,orange,cyan
85 - blue w/ white
86 - black w/ blue
87 - black w/ blue
88 - pale yellow w/ blue
89 - blue w/ neon green
90 - white w/ blue
91 - black w/ lavender
92 - black w/ blue
93 - blue w/ black
94 - tan w/ green
95 - violet w/ blue
96 - black
97 - blue w/ black
98 - skyblue w/ black
99 - lavender w/ blue
100 - cyan w/ black
101 - pale yellow w/ flesh
102 - black w/ pale yellow
103 - pink w/ black
104 - cyan w/ green
105 - grey w/ red orange
106 - red w/ green
107 - black w/ blue
108 - cyan w/ blue
109 - blue w/ teal
110 - blue w/ tan
111 - cyan w/ green
112 - orange w/ pale yellow
113 - green,red,orange
114 - pale yellow,flesh,gold
115 - tan,maroon,orange
116 - black w/ blue
117 - pale yellow w/ tan
118 - black w/ white
119 - black w/ tan
120 - green w/ orange
121 - black,lavender,blue
122 - black,white,blue
123 - black,white,blue
124 - cyan w/ black
125 - grey w/ flesh
126 - red orange w/ dark red
127 - black,lavender,blue
128 - skyblue,blue,green
129 - green,grey,red,orange
130 - white w/ cyan
131 - gold w/ blue
132 - tan,orange,green
133 - black w/ blue
134 - cyan,black,blue
135 - black,blue,brown
136 - black
137 - blue w/ black
138 - blue,black,orange
139 - black
140 - cyan w/ blue
141 - blue w/ black
142 - blue w/ black
143 - black <<===this one is the best black color ever.
144 - cyan w/ blue
145 - lavender w/ neon blue
146 - skyblue w/ blue
147 - aqua / blue
148 - black,grey,red orange
149 - brown,blue,maroon
150 - black w/ aqua
151 - black,white,blue
152 - blue w/ white
153 - black w/ flesh
154 - red,blue,black
155 - black,pink,white
156 - blue w/ grey
157 - black w/ aqua
158 - black
159 - white,aqua,blue
160 - black w/ blue
161 - blue w/ black
162 - lavender,black,blue
163 - black w/ white
164 - blue w/ black
165 - gold,blue,white
166 - black w/ white
167 - grey w/ blue
168 - black
169 - black
170 - black
171 - black
172 - black
173 - blue w/ black
174 - black
175 - blue w/ brown
176 - black,blue,aqua
177 - brown w/ white
178 - black w/ grey
179 - blue /w white
180 - black
181 - aqua,black,white
182 - flesh w/grey
183 - grey w/ black
184 - black
185 - black
186 - black
187 - black
188 - black
189 - black
190 - black
191 - black
192 - black
193 - black
194 - black
195 - black
196 - black
197 - black
198 - black
199 - black
200 - black
201 - black
202 - black
203 - black
204 - black
205 - black
206 - black
207 - black
208 - black
209 - black
210 - black
211 - black,white,red
212 - teal,pale green,blue
213 - red orange w/ white
214 - pale green w/ blue
215 - brown,grey,lavender
216 - blue w/ black
217 - white,orange,blue
218 - aqua w/ blue
219 - orange,blue,white
220 - pink,brown,gold
221 - army colors
222 - black
223 - black
224 - black
225 - black
226 - black
227 - black
228 - black
229 - black
230 - white w/ blue
231 - brown w/ grey
232 - black w/ white
233 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
234 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
235 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
236 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
237 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
238 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
239 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
240 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
241 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
242 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
243 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
244 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
245 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
246 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
247 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
248 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
249 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
250 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
251 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
252 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
253 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
254 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)
255 - Random Colors (May Crash SC)



A more defined explanation of switches

You have made a map where after a player steps onto a beacon you want the game to remember it until they step onto another beacon, this is a good time to use switches.

When you step on the beacon , switch A is set:

Player A brings 1 marine to location "Beacon 1"
set switch A

Then, as long as you have stepped on this beacon and not on the other, something happens:

Switch A is set
Make 1 marine at location

But, if you want to stop making marines, you "clear" the switch by stepping onto another beacon, now the condition for trig 2 are not fufilled and it wil stop firing.

Player A brings 1 marine to location "Beacon 2"
clear switch A

If you didn't understand this, plz feel free to IM/E-mail me or another bforums person.

added placing doodads anywhere
added list of unit kill scores


By Vindexus
First, you have to have a computer player with burrowing or cloaking enabled. The human player must have it disabled.

- Human

- W/E

- Create 1 Sara Kherigan for Player 8 (PC) at "Location" Apply Properties
* Cloaked
- Give 1 Sara Kherigan owned by Player 8 at "location" to Current Player

This also makes for a cool effect with a burrowed lurker.


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My house
hmm the edit time was changed... i'll have to add new posts for new things from now on.

AI Scripts (some of them) and what they mean

by KckKryptonite
Comments, suggestions, and corrections (

Run AI Script Definitions
Send All Units on Strategic Suicide Missions:
Well... sends the controller's units on suicide missions, I guess
Send All Units on Random Suicide Missions:
Can't really tell the difference between this one and the above, as I haven't used it much. Probably does just what it's names state.
Switch Computer Player to Rescue Passive:
Turns the computer into a rescuable computer and all it's units
become rescuable (correct me if I'm wrong).
Turn ON Shared Vision for Player #:
Makes Player # share vision with the Player(s) selected in the
"PLAYERS" tab in the Trigger Properties window.
Turn OFF Shared Vision for Player #:
Makes Player # turn off shared vision with the Player(s) selected
in the "PLAYERS" tab in the Trigger Properties window. You can also
turn off your own vision.

Run AI Script At Location Definitions
Build Nuke at Location:
It'll build a nuke, if there is a Terran Nuclear Silo, at the
location specified. I had some problems with this not working,
but they were resolved by making this trigger seperate from
any others and the only action within the trigger.
Race Custom Level/Race Expansion Custom Level:
Not to sure about these...
Race Campaign Level (easy/medium/...):
These will make computer's in a UMS map play like a computer in
Melee and they'll build/attack/defend, with a difficulty of
what you set. I usually put the location on the main building
if they've got one.
Expansion Race Campaign Level:
Same as above, except for Brood Wars.
Set Player to Enemy:
Sets all controller players with units in the location specified
to "Enemy".
Set Player to Ally:
Sets all controller players with units in the location specified
to "Ally".
Value This Area Higher:
Values the location area very highly and will try to protect it
by all means.
Enter Closest Bunker:
Issues order to all able units at the location, to enter the
closest bunker.
Enter Transport:
Same as above, except for a transport ship.
Exit Transport:
All units will exit the transport(s) @ the location.
Target Nuke at Location:
Basically tells the computer to press the "Target Nuke" button
and targets the center of the location. If the location is to far
or there is no nuke, it won't work.
Harass Location:
Somewhat the same as "Value This Area Higher", but not as direct.
Set Player to Enemy:
Sets all controller players with units in the location specified
to "'Enemy".
Set Junk Yard Dog (Roam Around):
Makes any units @ the location roam around.
Cast Spell at Location:
Orders any units able to (and controlled by whoever this script
is issued to), to cast the spell @ the location.


Here are the kill points you get for killing a unit.

Full list of units:


Marine - 100
Ghost - 350
Vulture - 150
Goliath - 400
Siege Tank - 700
SCV - 100
Firebat - 200
Medic - 250
Wraith - 800
Science Vessel - 1250
Dropship - 600
Battlecruiser - 2400
Valkyrie - 800
Gui Montag (Firebat) - 400
Civilian - 10
Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost) - 700
Alan Schezar (Goliath) - 800
Jim Raynor (Vulture) - 300
Jim Raynor (Marine) - 200
Tom Kazansky (Wraith) - 1600
Magellan (Science Vessel) - 2500
Edmund Duke (Siege Tank) - 1400
Arcturus Mengsk (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Hyperion (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Norad II (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Samir Duran (Ghost) - 700
Alexei Stukov (Ghost) - 700
Gerard DuGalle (Battlecruiser) - 4800


Vulture Spider Mine - 25


Command Center - 1200
Supply Depot - 150
Refinery - 150
Barracks - 225
Academy - 300
Factory - 600
Starport - 600
Science Facility - 825
Engineering Bay - 195
Armory - 300
Missile Turret - 150
Bunker - 150


Comsat Station - 225
Nuclear Silo - 225
Control Tower - 300
Covert Ops - 225
Physics Lab - 225
Machine Shop - 225

Special Buildings:

Norad II (Crashed Battlecruiser) - 5000
Ion Cannon - 5000
Psi Disruptor - 3600
Power Generator - 600


Independent Starport - 10



Zergling - 50
Hydralisk - 350
Ultralisk - 1300
Broodling - 25
Drone - 100
Defiler - 450
Infested Terran - 400
Lurker - 500
Overlord - 200
Mutalisk - 600
Guardian - 1100
Queen - 800
Scourge - 200
Devourer - 1100
Torrasque (Ultralisk) - 2600
Matriarch (Queen) - 1600
Infested Kerrigan (Infested Terran) - 4000
Unclean One (Defiler) - 900
Hunter Killer (Hydralisk) - 500
Devouring One (Zergling) - 100
Kukulza (Mutalisk) - 1200
Kukulza (Guardian) - 2200
Yggdrasill (Overlord) - 400
Infested Duran - 700


Larva - 10
Egg - 25
Cocoon - 10


Infested Command Center - 900
Hatchery - 900
Lair - 1200
Hive - 1500
Nydus Canal - 225
Hydralisk Den - 300
Defiler Mound - 450
Greater Spire - 1350
Queen's Nest - 525
Evolution Chamber - 120
Ultralisk Cavern - 825
Spire - 750
Spawning Pool - 225
Creep Colony - 120
Spore Colony - 195
Sunken Colony - 240
Extractor - 75

Special Buildings:

Overmind (With Shell) - 10000
Overmind - 10000
Mature Crysalis - 5000
Cerebrate - 2500
Cerebrate Daggoth - 2500
Overmind Cocoon - 4000



Dark Templar - 650
Dark Archon - 1300
Probe - 100
Zealot - 200
Dragoon - 500
High Templar - 700
Archon - 1400
Reaver - 800
Corsair - 700
Shuttle - 400
Scout - 1300
Arbiter - 2050
Carrier - 1900
Observer - 450
Dark Templar (Hero) - 400
Zeratul (Dark Templar) - 800
Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon) - 2800
Fenix (Zealot) - 400
Fenix (Dragoon) - 1000
Tassadar (Templar) - 1400
Mojo (Scout) - 2600
Warbringer (Reaver) - 1600
Gantrithor (Carrier) - 3800
Danimoth (Arbiter) - 4100
Aldaris (Templar) - 1400
Artanis (Scout) - 2400
Raszagal (Dark Templar) - 1300


Nexus - 1200
Robotics Facility - 900
Pylon - 150
Assimilator - 150
Observatory - 525
Gateway - 225
Photon Cannon - 300
Citadel of Adun - 600
Cybernetics Core - 300
Templar Archives - 750
Forge - 300
Stargate - 900
Fleet Beacon - 1050
Arbiter Tribunal - 1350
Robotics Support Bay - 375
Shield Battery - 150

Special Buildings:

Stasis Cell/Prison - 5000
Protoss Temple - 5000
Xel'Naga Temple - 5000
Warp Gate - 2000



Rhynadon (Badlands) - 10
Bengalaas (Jungle) - 10
Scantid (Desert) - 10
Kakaru (Twilight) - 10
Ragnasaur (Ash World) - 10
Ursadon (Ice World) - 10

added list of unit kil scores


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
A lot of Helpful links


Winzip extracts .zip format. You need this to unzip most of the files below. Winzip is one of the best unziping utility out there!​

Winrar extracts .rar format. Winrar is the only utility I know that can extracts .rar files. I think Winace can extract .rar files, too.​

Winace extracts .ace format. You don't need this to extract any of the files below. This program works really well for compressing files.​

Starcraft X-tra Editor version 2.5
This program has 5 different staredit modes. Classic, P12, Base, Alternative, and Special. Each mode has different purposes. Special mode can allow you to place units basically anywhere. However, none of the modes can allow you to stack units and other stuff. It has a built in color tool. It lets you have instant upgrade. Allows up to 255 upgrades. Basically the best staredit program out there.​

Starcraft X-tra Editor version 2.6
Just a more advance version of Starcraft X-tra Editor 2.5. This version can be bad for you because the the trigger screen takes up the whole screen. You need to be under 1024 x 768 pixels to view the trigger screen.​

This program is basically an advance Staredit Program. It has features that Sc X-tra Editor doesn't have and doesn't have features that Sc X-tra Editor has. Most people use this program to Stack minerals and other stuff. Another usefull feature it has is that it can create 1x1(Square) Terrain.​

This program is almost like ScmDraft:Alpha but it's a little worse. It can still place Square terrain, but it won't show up on the map when you place Square terrain. To make it show up. Go to rectangle terrain and then just place 1 rectangle terrain anywhere. After you do that, it'll show up the square terrain that you have placed. You cannot place regular diamond terrain. If you do, a box will show up and show up numbers. If it does, just hold enter until the boxes don't appear anymore. This program can also let you put map revealers for a certain player all over the map in a few clicks.​

Guedit 3.6 Alpha
This nifty program can do a lot of nice stuff that every map maker needs. It can protect maps, set upgrades to instant, save triggers as text, create square and tweaky terrain, change the map terrain, and change player's colors.(can have all players to be black)​

This program is a very nice tool to use for maps but can be the hardest tool to get it to work. This has features that Guedit doesn't support and vise versa. ScmToolkit has a better protecting map system than Guedit. You can resize your map.(change it to 50x50 for all I care) You can move units around in your map, change player colors, edit the text you have in your map, and change players races.​

This program creates one of the hardest triggers in Staredit. Kills for cash. This program can create 100 triggers in a snap. You can create triggers that converts kills to minerals or gas.​

This utility lets you take a .jpeg of your map. Pretty nice tool because Blizzard doesn't allow you to take .jpegs of your maps. All you do is right click on a map and click on: make jpeg. But this program requires you to install with Winzip. If you didn't install this program with Winzip, then this program won't work.​


Player 12
This trigger provides all the possible conditions and actions that applies to Player 12. Player 12 owns all the neutral units and player 12 gets all units owned by a player who has left or has been dropped. You can use this trigger to give all the units to the human players, kill the units, give the player minerals for each dead unit, etc.​

This trigger makes the game go super fast. It takes off the 1 second wait for every trigger. If you have another trigger that has a wait action while you have the hyper trigger on your map, the hyper trigger will mess up your other wait action. To prevent this, move the hyper trigger to a computer player that has no wait triggers.​

Other Good Stuff

Starcraft slang/jargon/dictionary
This Thread has the complete, full lists of words that relate to Starcraft and If you keep seeing words that people use on and you don't know what they mean, look in the Thread.



Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
How to do the 20 tricks


I did not create this, i revised it, it is a list of the POSSIBLE 20 tricks, burrowing a zealot or a marine is impossible...


ok get the arbitor them borrow the zergling then put the arbitor on patrol then about half way when the arbitor comes back unborrow the zergling then he will be clocked.


Get your probe right next to the minerals, start mining the minerals. Right after you have started mining, build a pylon right behind the probe. This will force the probe to roam and move around. At that time, start click on the other side of the minerals and the probe will get there.


this is the easiest thing ever you just click on the minerials then for scv cant get attacked and he can walk trough anything.


its almost the same thing as push a scv except you don't click on the minerals you Keep on clicking ahead then he gose through or you can do the trick hop a zergling then it will hop through each one.


burrow a zergling then put the other one on it then it will hop the wall or whatever you want.


click on both of the dark templars then make them combine then click shift then click on one of them then hold position then click them both then click the place you want them to go then they will fly.


have the command center lift off and move right next to the tank, as soon as the command center starts landing, move the tank under and seige it(press o for better chance).


quickey the building that lifts off, lift it off, turn out the lights, press the quickey, and land it on the building that must be crushed.


quickey a building unit, turn out the lights, start building, and you may stack on top of eachother


the same as float a dark templar except with templars.


Surrond the drone with units, or buildings, or something. Then have the drone build a hatchery somewhere. Right after you have clicked on the place you want the hatchery to be built, press "s" to stop the drone from building it. Right when you press "s", your drone should start flying to the hatchery place.


get the ghost and USIT to attack each other at the same time then cloak the ghost then make the usit run then it will fly.
(Don't ask what a USIT is... if you know, PM me)


same thing as cloaking a zergling except you do it with a drone then when you did that build a spawning pool and the building will be cloaked.


Aug 30, 2003
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on the stacking part like it goes like this:

click on probe/scv/drone
hit crtl + 1
turn out the lights
hit 1
build (if its zerg u should have cliked on multiple ones and done crtl + 2 etc so u can stack without too much delay)
turn lights back on before monsterz mass u( if they do)

Master Virus? are there any other junk in xtra editor 2.6 than in 2.5?

no there aren't that are worth switching. Though some things are bigger, and the units list is slightly changed. - tass

ohh yeah tassadar920... i dont use SCMDraft cus it wont sav my godamn properties so i use xtra editor 2.5 and isom also works great 4 me

i just use it by:
opening up ISOM
open selected map
under bytes put 18
then hit write

then i go into xtra editor 2.5 open the map...and w/e i want the terrain to be i place it and it comes up as a square...its very useful if u get used to it and r making an obstacle like me:)

Master Virus Notes:
Alright I'm going to try and reedit all the tricks.

2.6 has a built in color tool in the leaderboard.
The move unit action has been changed to teleport
I'll try to post up the version information later.

Can you explain more about the saving properties with scmdraft? Maybe I can help.

Apparently, the isom technigue you described above does not work when I tried it.

Next time, please pm me with this information instead of posting it here.
I made a mistake too, by forgetting to close this thread.
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